All posts in “Clean”

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Do you ever check bathrooms before you eat at a restaurant, I check drains and restaurants for a living? I won’t eat until I check the bathroom, if its clean then probably (probably) the kitchen is clean. If you have a restaurant, staff must be taught that part of the process is cleaning. Everyday a certain station should be cleaned and then someone needs to double check. If a customer gets something in their food, the reputation can be sullied in that visit and those reviews sites are not forgiving.

  1. Daily cleaning, certain areas.
  2. Weekly cleaning.
  3. Inspection by someone who cares, not just someone that wants to go home.
  4. Inspection by management. If you set the standard – staff will comply.
  5. A German Cockroach can get by with just a speck of grease, don’t forget in between appliances.
  6. Use a checklist, its not tough. If you start out clean and keep it that way.

The Public is your Critic

  • Only takes one complaint, and if its online – it is there FOREVER. Those Dirty Dining shows are proof of that.
  • Make the weekly cleaning game with free appetizers etc. If staff doesn’t consider it work – it won’t be.
  • Set the standard, if you don’t then no one else will.


Sanitation, I think most of us don’t think about but maybe subliminally it’s there? You throw away garbage because it will spoil and smell bad. Food goes bad and we clean out the refrigerator. We clean the counters and the surfaces because they are dirty. So why don’t restaurants do the same? After binge watching Gordon Ramsey on Hell’s Kitchen. Sanitation is VITAL.

Places people should clean:

  1. Sides of stoves, refrigerators. Fans need to be cleaned, oils cling to everything.
  2. Pull out the refrigerator clean the coils, this will save on electricity.
  3. Tops of everything, stoves, cabinets, lighting – everything.
  4. Doors and windows.
  5. Walk in coolers need to be checked frequently. Never stack chicken on top.
  6. Pantries – rotate stock.
  7. If you notice bugs, call your Pest Management Professional ASAP. Things will not get better over time.
  8. Have a system or plan in place, example – wash floor nightly, clean countertops nightly and always say who cleans what.
  9. This should occur at home as well, daily chores.

A clean kitchen is a wonderful thing!


I’m often reminded as I make my way through a kitchen of cleanliness and sanitation.


Besides a great cook or chef, cleanliness is of the utmost importance. Once a German Roach infestation has occurred it is important to address it immediately don’t let it continue because it will not take care of itself. Populations can increase quickly and nobody wants bugs in their kitchen or restaurant. So keep it clean daily, weekly and monthly. What do I mean that that last statement – someone should be responsible for daily cleaning, someone should be responsible for weekly cleaning and someone should be held accountable for monthly cleaning. This should also be a part of managements role within the restaurant. There are numerous spreadsheets available online for managing a cleanup of a restaurant.

Keep it clean cause nobody likes a dirty restaurant.

How important is a clean house or restauarant to keeping out the pests?


After much research here it is – it appears this quote may have come from Rabbi Ben Yair (Hebrew Proverb) (2nd Century) and appears this way in text  –

The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness  into absemiousness into cleaniness ; cleaniness into godliness. (spellcheck went crazy over these words….)

So not from the Bible or your Mother, but I’m going to say it should be right up as if it came from either. I’m not saying that if your home is perfectly clean you will never seen bugs. Ants can trail in looking for food and move right on along unless they encounter something.  Moisture is probably another much bigger factor, cockroaches can go months without food but seldom a week without water. A speck of food could be a whole meal for a roach. I think the bigger issue – harborage areas for them to hide in. The more cracks and crevices = more availability to hide and stay hidden.

The BIG picture the cleaner the home or restaurant the less chances of hidden pests.

24_German Cockroach on Sink

Photo by PPMA


“The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness into abstemiousness into cleanliness; cleanliness into godliness.” As you can see, in the quote, ‘cleanliness’ is literally next to ‘godliness.‘ – See more at:

Dryer Vent Cleaning

 Dryer Vent Cleaning

Improper dryer vents are a much bigger and more common safety problem. Here are a few tips to keep your clothes dryer running safely and efficiently.

No matter which kind of duct you have, you should have it cleaned regularly. In addition, remove the visible lint from the lint screen each time you use your dryer. This not only will reduce the risk of a fire, but your clothes will dry faster and your dryer will use less energy.
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Call ProBest today to have us clean that dryer vent, Peace of Mind! Always!


The Clean Trust – training continues

The Clean Trust -training continues



Why did ProBest Pest Management get into carpet cleaning: Bed Bugs are the main reason.

The Bed Bug epidemic has spread across the USA at a rapid pace and people react with a sense of urgency and frustration. Often times people panic and react by immediately throwing things out and this leads to the spread of eggs and adults throughout the home including carpets. ProBest Pest Management decided to offer a service of pest treatment with a carpet cleaning as a way of  total and complete eradication. What better way than to steam everything including the carpets if needed. We offer steam, limited pesticides and follow-ups if needed.  ProBest immediately sought certification and so far 2 employees are “The Clean Trust” certified.

It’s all about TRUST

Its’ all about TRUST.

Do you know the Boy Scout Law – it goes like this. A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean & Reverent. Ever wonder why trustworthy was placed at number one, is it because its the most important?

Scout Law History

So shouldn’t this be the mantra of every business? What if we strive for that kind of company and philosophy? So today why don’t we all try to live by the Scout Law and make the World a better place.

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