All posts in “damage”

Building termite mounds for a Zoo.



I found this article interesting, but I have noticed over the years that many critters use termite mounds for observation. “Monarto termite mound is a high point for long time zoo volunteer Brian Tinning.” This zoo is in Adelaide Australia and this gentleman has been a volunteer there for over 40 years. Our hats off to him for his work and his dedication to wildlife.


Formosan termite photo by PPMA

Formosan termite photo by PPMA







There are many places around the world that have bigger issues with termites than Arizona. Certainly the East Coast of the US especially the southern states have more problems mainly due to more water and warmer temperatures.

Can Subterranean termites damage paintings and other wall art?











Remember last week on the 18th July Arizona termites – sneaky and they will get in

Once termites find their way in they will continue to seek out cellulose and if they find it in a painting they will attack and eat. So if you notice anything unusual on a wall or painting please check it out. Sometimes those hidden areas can surprise you.

Arizona termites – sneaky and they will get in.




Arizona has some rather sneaky termites but very capable of gaining entry into our homes. They usually make termite tunnels over the outside foundation but can also make their way in by way of that crack or where concrete meets another piece of concrete. This photo was the only evidence within this home but looks typical of those mud tubes or tunnels on the foundation.


So if you notice something that looks like this or a drop tube from the ceiling it’s time to call ProBest Pest Management at 602-249-7378.

Why won’t the termites give up?











That is a great question. I guess when your hungry you just keep right at it until you find the food. Termites just keep searching 24/7/365 until they find a food source. What does a termite issue look like? They build mud tubes similar to the picture, this one is unique because it was lengthy. But if you find something like this call your Professional Termite Company and/or ProBest Pest Management at 602-249-7378

Pesky pigeons…


Tips for control:

  1. When excluding for pigeons consider the entire resting or roosting area.
  2. Hardware cloth is best, chicken wire doesn’t look nice. By the way you can spray paint hardware cloth.
  3. Remove all the nesting materials.
  4. Clean as much as possible.


Birds and their damage.

probestpestmanagement20140425_124037     probestpestmanagement20140425_124340

So you just noticed that birds or something is getting into your attic, well if you ignore it maybe it will just go away? Probably not, but even if you fix the problem that might not be the end of it. Birds, critters or even pests can cause other problems. The animals might have parasites and once you get rid of them the parasites might come down from the attic looking for food. That might be you!

So one of my suggestions would be to do periodic checks of your property, look up and down. Look for openings or rub marks (like the picture on the right), or for feces buildup on your home (left picture). My recommendation is to do monthly or at the very least quarterly checks of your property.

How is it possible to get water damage in Arizona?


Water damage is a concern across the U.S. whether you are in Florida or Arizona. I guess the only difference is the abundance of moisture. With humidity levsls at 99+% in Florida the chances are greater that you will have issues.  Anytime that wood gets wet and then dries, then gets wet and dries again you can expect some type of wood decay to take place. I often see this damage occurring at roof lines or at fireplace chimney areas.

Depending on where you live this wood damage may affect your termite inspection. So it is important to stop the water before it gets worse.

Termite action Arizona

After doing a little digging, the termites started falling out. Something I don’t see very often.

Termite Hourglass


Photo by PPMA and NPMA

Hourglass contains 1 cup of sawdust, which equals what a subterranean termite colony could consume in a 2-hour period. Something to think about? Reminded me of the slogan from the TV Soap “Days of our Lives” – “Like sands through the hourglass .. so are the Days of our Lives.”

Termites are relentless and will work 24/7/365 trying to gain access into your home or business.

Recent question on Pest Control… Carpet Beetles

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One of the high lights of my career is when I’m asked to identify a bug, to each his own but I enjoy that part of the job. A guy pops into our office with this little critter and its up to me to identify and possible deduce where it came from and out to control it.

So here are the clues – its a larva, usually they do the damage. Notice the hairs, its important. How about those hairs on the end, its really important. So did you guess right – its a carpet beetle larva. The hairs on the end or butt are the extremely important clue, hope you did well but if you didn’t you always have me.

Send me a picture to [email protected]

Do me a favor don’t smooosh it to bad, it makes it difficult when they are way bigger than normal.

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