All posts in “Drain”

Do you remember those science fair projects?


I remember one I did way back in the 6th or 7th grade on Monocot and Dicot seeds. I think I got an A on it but it has been some time and by the way I did learn something. So this kid Simon Kaschock-Marenda did a project on Truvia, his original intention was to see if it affected the health of fruit flies. His findings may amaze or alarm you but hey isn’t that where ideas are born? I may have to try a little experiment myself.


probestDrain 02

Tip of the Day – Make sure your drains are filled with water to prevent infestations of American Roaches often called sewer roaches. That P-Trap needs to have water to prevent gases and things from coming up the piping.

Drains can be a cause of filth flies.

Drains can be a cause of filth flies.


probestpestmanagementIMAG0281     When cleaning, it is important to get to all the out of the way places. Why is that important, because bugs are going to hide in areas where it is dark and has lots of food potential. This drain has serious and potential problems just waiting to happen, filth flies are just one that could cause a serious and buggy problem. . The problem is that the water pipe is broken and allowing the water to drip outside the drain box. If this is the soda machine overflow pipe then all the sugars are going to cause even more issues. Time to get into the mess and fix it properly.

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