All posts in “eliminate”

Why are mattress encasements so important?


There is an old saying and I’m not sure of the truth, but here it is ” A mattress doubles its weight due to dust mites and their debris in 10 years“. Now with that said, I do believe that a mattress not sealed accumulates debris like sweat, urine spills from babies or pets, shed skin and dust mites. Now doesn’t it just makeĀ  sense to cover the mattress.

So lets say you purchase the mattress for $800 and within the first 3 months that stuff above happens and you know it will. If you had an encasement that was able to eliminate all microscopic toxins, allergens, dust mites, bed bugs and was breathable, lockable and waterproof wouldn’t you want it for your comfort?


Stop by or call us to get yours today.

480-831- 9328 or 623-414-0176

425 W. Guadalupe Road #110 Gilbert 85233

Arizona – No frost, no ice and no snow = bigger, badder bugs!

Arizona – No frost, no ice and no snow = bigger, badder bugs!

I absolutely love living in the south, warmer temperatures and no shoveling snow or slipping on the ice. I did grow up in Ohio and was fortunate enough to have a Cub Cadet lawnmower snow plow to help me avoid work. Yes it’s hotter than hell here in Arizona during the summer months but gladly I will endure the HEAT versus the cold and snow. The best thing for a bug guy is that the bugs seldom die and this year we didn’t have any real cold and frigid weather to speak of.

So guess what, yep the bugs are going to be out if force this year. So what does that mean for the average homeowner? The crickets and feeder bugs, you know the kind of bugs that scorpions love to eat – are going to be huge… Bark Scorpions eat small insects, spiders and sometimes other scorpions depending on conditions. They feed at night and often hang out on retaining or block walls which hold the Arizona heat. The idea here is to identify, reduce the numbers and where they live, stop them from getting in and pesticides if needed.

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