All posts in “European Honeybees”

Why do honeybees make our homes, theirs?

DSC07157 Honeybees will take every opportunity to make any place a home.  These bees decided on this chimney fireplace. Seldom if ever used, they found a crack and decided it was big enough to start a colony.

This was actually a bigger issue than usual, this entry point led into an open ceiling area. If this had not be noticed and months or even years had gone by, the buildup of honey and wax could lead to significant melting later.

Always important to conduct monthly checks of your home or business and don’t forget to look up.

We never talk about the “Good Bugs, why is that?


Most people don’t really care for bugs, but there are some good ones. What are they: Praying Mantis, Butterflies, Lady Bugs well you get the drift. On that note did you know there is a Butterfly Wonderland right here in Scottsdale just off the Hwy 101 in the east valley.


They also have exhibits on “Live Ant Colony and Honey Bee Extravaganza. Check them out and let’s be nice to the unsung hero’s of our gardens and flowers. Here is an interesting article “Learn to recognize the “good guys“.

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Photo by PPMA

Spring is here, the Bees say so!


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Did you know Africanized Honeybees swarm 30 more often than the European Honeybees? Spring has sprung and we are getting calls, here are a few tips:

  1. Don’t Panic when they decide to swarm on a tree, bush or fence. Its nature way of reproduction.
  2. Leave them alone, they will probably move on.
  3. When they swarm they take in as much honey as they can, this tends to make them a little more docile. They are not defending a hive yet, but that doesn’;t mean that they won’t sting. Use caution and Bee Safe.


The bees are coming! How do I know?

The bees are coming! How do I know?

bee swarm

The weather has warmed up and we had a great deal of rain, that is going to equal a lot of bug. With the temperatures today in the high 80’s you can bet the Africanized Honeybee’s who swarm more often anyway are all ready making brood to divide the colony.

The hive mind decides on the event and all of a sudden the colony is at it’s maximun and they swarm. One-half or so of the colony depart in a frenzy, they may alight on a branch and then send scouts out to find a new home. Once located the Queen will check it out and if she is happy they will move into their new home.

Here are a few facts about the swarm:

  • The bees will have taken on additional honey, typically they are more docile when full. But they might still sting, just less likely to become agitated unless they are defending their home. Swarm tend to be more docile!
  • The old Queen moves with the new swarm, she is fertile and more likely to succeed in a new build. The honeycomb is difficult work, so the stress on the entire colony is BIG.
  • The new Queen probably not yet fertile, she will take a mating flight after the swarm leaves. It is possible for her to become a free lunch for a bird or other insect, if she fails to return the old hive still has the ability to create a Queen from previous eggs.
  • Africanized honeybees swarm up to 10x more then European Honeybees.

The weather is swarmer and bringing out the swarmers…

The weather is swarmer and bringing out the swarmers…  Africanized Bees that is!

Wow we have had at least 12 calls in the last few days on bees swarming, so I thought a little bee information should be spread.

  1. Africanized Honeybees (AHB) aka “Killer Bees” look just like European Honeybees (EHB).
  2. (AHB) swarm frequently up to 10 times more often than (EHB).
  3. (AHB) more aggressive, respond in greater numbers, will pursue for 1/4 mile and possibly wait for you if you jump into water.
  4. (AHB) are probably not mean per se, they are just more prone or sensitive  to noises or vibrations.
  5. (AHB) can remain agitated  for over a hour and may attack any curious bystander or pet.
  6. The American Medical Association (AMA) says that 7 stings per pound can be lethal, but remember 1 sting can kill you if you are allergic.
  7. If you are hiking, (AHB) will bump you sometimes to let you know you may be close to their hive/colony.
  8. Just like any unforeseen pest, anything can be dangerous and deadly but so far only 5 human deaths (AZ) can be connected to (AHB).
  9. Check your home monthly for sign of pests and if you see bees call a Pest Management Professional – this IS NOT a Do It Yourself option!
  10. If you decide to DIY – the number to call is 911 or  Poison Control is 1-800-222-1222

Rodney doing a little bee work…

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