All posts in “foam”

Foam Fail

Foam Fail

Foam Fail, foam is not suitable for sealing rodent holes. Rodents will gnaw right through this stuff, there is nothing in this stuff to prevent them. You need hardware cloth, cooper or steel wool. This will stop them from gaining access.

Now here is the problem, the foam expands and expand and well you got it expands. In some ways you can’t stop this foam from expanding. It also has a solvent in it and it is really messy. If you can control it, very minor squeeze of the handle to limit the flow helps.

Carpenter bees, don’t know wood from foam?


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Bugs in general don’t have any idea whether it is wood or foam, they probably just think it might be a good place to call home. I’ve seen termites use foam as an avenue into a structure and I’ve seen carpenter ants tear up the foam used as insulation. So it didn’t really surprise me when I noticed the damage from carpenter bees. It is extremely difficult to stop them from doing damage to foam, with wood you can paint it and frequently that deters them but not so with these bees and foam.

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