All posts in “genes”

Did you know they have bugs in the Antarctic?


Ohio State scientists say tiny Antarctic insect has smallest genome of insects so far.” I have a friend that owns a pest control company in Alaska and does his fair share of pest control – by plane of course. That is to say that they often have to travel by plane just to reach the facility or what have you to service.


I have seenĀ  midges especially in the summer just attacking anything that has warm blood. But these little midges spends 2 years in its larval stage frozen in the ice and amazingly can turn off 25% of its genes when it hibernates. WOW, is about all I can say.

Why am I lazy, I’m blaming it on my genes?


I’m really not lazy but since everyone blames everything else on something else, I might as well think it to be hereditary. I do hate the gym but work is another matter, I love what I do. This study was of course done on rats “Study suggests laziness could be hereditary.

By studying a population of rats over ten generations, researchers came to the conclusion that there is such a thing as a genetic predisposition to laziness, at least among rodents.


Since this video somewhat shows a rodent doing pushups I decided I had to share it. No rodents were harmed during the making of this video and this is my favorite video.

Nolans Cheddard Cheese – Seriously Strong



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