All posts in “Gilbert pest control”

Termite tube in my carpet?

This picture is a termite tube coming up through the carpet, so termites work 24/7/365 and they won’t stop until they find food. Even if they find food, their search continues to the next food source. So occasionally they will enter through a crack in the concrete, so you need to look against the wall and inside the house. As always you can always call upon the best to look for these little girls. “Call A Pro… Call The Best. ProBest. 480-831-9328

By the way, now is a good time to look for termites in Arizona.

Look for tubes outside on the foundation.

Look for either drop tubes or tubes coming up from the soil or concrete carpet areas.

I see a lot of tubes in garages, so focus on garage along the outer walls.

Termite tube carpet

Termite tube carpet


Racing scorpions

Racing scorpions,

Racing fans and everybody should have some. A friend gave me a present and of course I had to add it to my collection of unusual bug stuff. No need for pest control… Put it together and race against each other, for me its on my display shelf. I have enough issues with scorpions here in Arizona.

Stop by for a race, just kidding. Do you get into Nascar? Lots of people do, I tried going to a Pepsi 400 once. It happens to be in July in Florida, super HOT and humid and that’s all I can say. Did I mention HOT?

racing2016-01-07 13.30.27


Old timer spray devices


My collection isn’t huge but it does contain some sprayers from years ago, some are quite interesting.







Do you remember my #1 pest tool, how about #2?

duster grn

My all time most useful tool is the compact Bellows Hand Duster, I still believe I could solve most issues with this handy tool. The next best tool in my opinion could be the Insider (see below).

insider01     insider02

Not everyone within the Pest Industry has any idea of these but I keep them on hand for those hard to reach jobs or places where I like to dust from time to time.

Remember it’s not just killing the bugs, who have to use tools which work the best for the customer.

Have you ever heard of Edward O. Wilson?

Have you ever heard of Edward O. Wilson?


To a bug guy like myself – he is the man!

Edward Wilson is an American biologist, researcher (sociobiology, biodiversity), naturalist (conservationist) and author. His specialty is myrmecology, the study of ants, on which he is considered to be the world’s leading authority. “He found that living insects, such as bees and wasps, have a complex hierarchy, with strict rules governing who reproduces, who gets food, and who defends the colony.”  He is often considered to be “The Father of Socialbiology” – the study of both social behavior and organization of all kinds of animals.

Choosing the Best!

How do you decide on a pest or termite company to service your home? May we suggest some ideas.

Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!

The Day after Thanksgiving…

Is this what you feel like, don’t want to do that housework or pest control around the house today?

Feeling stuffed! Look I know,  who wants to do any work around the house when you can spend the time doing other things, like shopping or going to a Cardinals game? So why do it? Just call ProBest Pest Management and we will do the Pest Control for you – 480-831-9328.

Don’t let the pests win, ProBest is just a call away at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 – yes you can even contact us my

Who’s Number 1 in Pest Management in Arizona?

        Who’s Number 1 in Pest Management in Arizona?


Have you ever heard this saying? “Our business – any business – is People”

Each and every day we encounter people, we deal with bosses, employee’s and clients. Each and every day our moods shape our decisions of that day. Sometimes in pest control we have to deal with people that are upset or on edge because they hate bugs. Maybe they are upset at having to spend money to deal with termites or bed bugs. I also really like the saying “If you don’t take care of your customers, your competition will”.

Customer service is essential to every company and we cannot live without the highest caliber of this service.

So is it ProBest Pest Management, many Kudzu followers think so, how about you?


Station 10 – New Fire Station in Gilbert, Arizona

Station 10 – New Fire Station in Gilbert, Arizona


Congratulations to the City of Gilbert, Arizona on their new GOLD Fire Station #10 building. It is considered as a Gold energy building and has solar installed. ProBest Pest Management has the honor of keeping the fire fighters safe from bugs, so we attended the ribbon cutting on Saturday September 15th, 2012. I was greatly impressed with the time and effort that went into the design and work of this Gold standard building. I was also impressed with the young fire fighters that were all dressed up to honor their hero’s.


Lightbulb ideas, the kind of thing that changes your business!

Lightbulb ideas, the kind of thing that changes your business!


Look I’m not the brightest bulb in the store but every once in awhile I think I have some good ideas. You all know about the ProBest Post Office and hopefully you have been by to see our collection of live bug/reptiles for the children to visit while the parents are in the Post Office. So it should come as no big shock that I’m always thinking about new ways of increasing business either by networking or by coming up with those weird ideas.

So stop by and visit, use our little U.S. Post Office (quick, less lines and friendly service) always, or maybe you have a bug problem and need that critter identified (Dr. Bug) might be in and he can talk to you about that little pests (husbands or wives excluded).

Or maybe you have an idea that may spark some interest – you never know. Give it a try at ProBest Pest Management 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Currently on display – Scorpions, Tarantulas, Giant Vietnam Centipede, Leopard Gecko, Gopher and Brown Banded Black King Snakes, Madagascar Roaches, Lobster Roaches, Dubai Roaches and Millipedes (gift from Stephanie).

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