All posts in “Gilbert Termite & Pest Control”

How do plants and bushes affect termite treatments?


I truly wish everyone who builds or does work on homes would talk to one another. Here is my list of things I would want to talk about, not in any order:

  • Don’t plant anything under the roof dripline, it is impossible to stop roots from heading toward your foundation.
  • Leave the bottom shelf loose when building cabinets in the garage, this way I can see the expansion joint and treat it. Since the bottom shelf just sits there, is there a reason to secure it?
  • Don’t install water drip or irrigation systems to close to the home, have you ever seen the inside foundation wall just corroded and calcified.
  • Bear in mind that anything wood or carboard that sets on the expanion joint in the garage could be attacked by termites and that includes books.

Is the customer always right?



Is the customer always right?


How many business owners do you think ponder this very question on a daily basis? I have an easy answer yes and no! OK maybe it’s not that easy, we put down pesticides daily and yes I have a few that call and tell us what they want and how to do it. Of course we are the ones complying with the Label and yes we are the ones who could get the fine for a misapplication. So that answer is pretty simple – we comply with all labellings and use directions absolutely according to Label, period.

Yes I know the old adage that a happy customer is a happy customer and as long as I keep the bugs out they should be happy right. Well there are other ways of getting on their bad side and I’ll tell you customer service is an art and you have to work at it. It is important to listen and to take into consideration all the aspects of delivering a premium service. I’m reminded of a poster in another office of pest management, I love this point of view and use it daily in the best pest control that we can deliver.

Excellent service isn’t the result of doing any one thing 1,000 % better. It’s the result of doing thousands of things 1% better.
If you can do that you stand closer to SUCCESS!
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