One of the biggest reasons that I home seal is to pass along education information – Knowledge is Power. This site is full of great information and can be used for all types of circumstances.
Pest can cause serious issues for children and older folks, from asthma to dietary problems and possibly death. Keeping the pests out is the key to pest control, home sealing is a tool to help enforce no pests. Its all about the techniques that can be used to keep the bugs out and we have that knowledge and use it everyday – call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378
After doing a little digging, the termites started falling out. Something I don’t see very often.
Hourglass contains 1 cup of sawdust, which equals what a subterranean termite colony could consume in a 2-hour period. Something to think about? Reminded me of the slogan from the TV Soap “Days of our Lives” – “Like sands through the hourglass .. so are the Days of our Lives.”
Termites are relentless and will work 24/7/365 trying to gain access into your home or business.
Termites will do everything in their power to gain access into our homes and businesses. Here is a picture of a cardboard box that was riddled with termites and their damage.
I’m not a real big fan of those cabinets in the garage, I find that all they do is coverup the expansion joint and prevent us from getting a good treatment into those areas. So my tip of the day, check your cabinets and the rest of your home often or better yet give ProBest Pest Management a call today at 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176
House rodents are an issue. How are they getting in? During my my almost 25 years of servicing homes, I have only on one occasion found 1 rat in a toilet. But a guy in England has invented a flapper device to help keep them out. “MultiFlap helps special needs teacher left terrified by rat in her toilet”
To be honest I’m not exactly sure how it got there, 2nd story shared bathroom. That would have been one big climb, to get to a toilet 20 feet up but I suppose anything is possible. Here is the link to that device – I think this one is to fit US toilets is MultiFlap 2 (MF-2) and nobody needs to be half asleep and find something in the toilet in the dark. What a way to be jolted from asleep to fully awake in a matter of seconds.
The biggest issue with me is that once in and you have a issue with urine and feces being left everywhere. Rats and mice continue to urinate while running and often the first signs of rodents are their feces. It’s bad enough with flies and that whole regurgitation thing, but rodents will walk over and then walk over your stuff. So whatever they just walked over is going to pass to your food. Often times it isn’t the bug/pest that is the cause but what they do may cause the trigger to a bigger issue. Rats can carry diseases on their fur/hair and transmit that to us, so side on the side of caution. Always the safe bet, keep the pests out. They have a place and that is outside.
Door sweeps and guards.
Keep window screens in place.
Fix any holes.
If you can’t fix an issue call ProBest Pest Management and we can evaluate and come up with a plan. 602-249-7378
I’m not trying to scare anyone but this Bed Bug thing continues, yes we are still getting calls weekly about these little biters. So really what is the answer, I just want to amke sure sure you are informed. Visit National Pest Management Association (NPMA) for all things bed bugs.
They are showing up at weird and unexpected places. Sometimes we become detectives in learning how and when they arrived at the place in question. This story out of Nebraska just goes to show where they may or may not pop in from “Claim denied for Bed Bug removal” the claimant believes his daughter picked them up from a 4-H camp.
After much research here it is – it appears this quote may have come from Rabbi Ben Yair (Hebrew Proverb) (2nd Century) and appears this way in text –
The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness into absemiousness into cleaniness ; cleaniness into godliness. (spellcheck went crazy over these words….)
So not from the Bible or your Mother, but I’m going to say it should be right up as if it came from either. I’m not saying that if your home is perfectly clean you will never seen bugs. Ants can trail in looking for food and move right on along unless they encounter something. Moisture is probably another much bigger factor, cockroaches can go months without food but seldom a week without water. A speck of food could be a whole meal for a roach. I think the bigger issue – harborage areas for them to hide in. The more cracks and crevices = more availability to hide and stay hidden.
The BIG picture the cleaner the home or restaurant the less chances of hidden pests.
“The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness into abstemiousness into cleanliness; cleanliness into godliness.” As you can see, in the quote, ‘cleanliness’ is literally next to ‘godliness.‘ – See more at: