All posts in “house”

Fly traps or fly bait stations – get them before they get in.


Have  you ever noticed something annd couldn’t quite figure out what it is? This might be one of   those cases, just below the screen at a fast food restaurant  you notice the plastic box. Its actually for flies, the flies are attracted to a bait and go itno the box and eat the bait and fly off and die.


The EZ-Strike Fly Bait Station is a tamper-resistant with key fly bait station featuring medical grade plastic. It is designed to allow light into the station. EZ-Strike can be easily installed around dumpsters, fence lines, fast food restaurants and harborage areas. The EZ-Strike is a convenient size, mulitple colors and has a tray that slides quickly into place. The tray can be loaded with the bait of choice, and the easy-entry key add to the formula that makes emptying, cleaning and maintaining by a Professional Pest Management company this fly bait system is efficient and cost effective. This system attempts to get to the flies before they make their way into your home of business. 

A stain is just a stain, right?


During a wood destroying insect/termite inspection you find a termite mud stain, what is it? Termites build shelter tubes and if someone knocks them down all that may appear is this stain. Some people will go so far as to wipe it away and pretend that everything will be OK.

A few facts:

  • Termites don’t generally go away on their own.
  • In many places you must disclose that to a new buyer.
  • If their are no drill holes – then no termite was performed – refer to #1.
  • It must be noted on the inspection form.

If you find something like this it is important to find a Professional Termite Company to lend you a hand.

Hey it’s finally Fall, do you know where your bugs are?



As the temperature finally, finally makes its way down  (if you live in Arizona you know that feeling) “Thank Goodness”. The bugs are also going to start finding ways in, they like warm and cozy just as much as we do. They just don’t understand that your home isn’t really their home. They probably just think (OK they probably don’t really ) at least not in the same way we do, that a hole or crevice is just a hole or crevice and an ample place to hide for the winter.

So let’s make those crack and crevices impossible to get into, now that its cooler use that clear caulking to fill in those gaps. Do you like money? Most of us do and this measure alone – caulking could save you a few greenbacks $$$$$. Sealing your home is one way to save on heating and cooling bills. At the same time you will help to keep those bugs from getting in and its downright impossible to keep scorpions out unless you fill those crack in.


Just paying attention to your property or business can be helpful, this was a hive that was in the wall and had expanded to the outside (something you don’t see often). Lets make it a monthly habit to check out our homes, sheds and property –

just √ it.

R U Seeing Signs of Termites?




No matter where you you live, OK maybe not Alaska but you probably will encounter termites. In Florida and the east Coast chances are that you might find them in the early Spring – sometime near March and April depending on temperatures and weather. In Louisiana it might be different depending on the type of termite and in Arizona our main push of termites is usually after monsoon and the rains,  August – November give or take.

This picture above is typical of our Western Subterranean termites, they will find their way up into a wall and then sometimes make a little hole and mud it up or they will make down tubes. But anyway you look at it, this is what you are looking for.

My recommendations for your home and a termite inspection:

  1. You can look yourself, since you’re on my home seal – type in termites to see what it looks like.
  2. Normally you can get a free inspection, unless it’s for a sale of a home or business.
  3. When your doing housework, glance around for anything you haven’t noticed before.
  4. Looks for mud tubes on the foundation of your home, garages are an excellent place for termites – look at expansion joint.
  5. You can always call ProBest for our opinion, you can send photo’s to [email protected]

Termites are active now in Arizona


Termites are small, white, tan, or black insects depending on their caste that can cause destruction to wooden structures. I always suggest a termite inspection if you are purchasing a home or at least an inspection every few years just to be safe.


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After determining the infestation a treatment is necessary to keep them out, this is done by generally placing a termiticide into the soil next to or under the foundation. This is better done by a termite professional because it involves drilling and placing the termiticide under slabs of concrete. I often see termite tubes in garages and specifically in the area of the expansion joint (as noted by the first picture).

Call ProBest Pest Management for a inspection today and prevent damage or further damage. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Millipedes cause train crash. Ohhh come on, really?



Just when you think you may have heard it all something hits you hard like this story. Thank goodness it wasn’t a deadly crash but here is the story. “Millipedes Responsible for Australian Train Accident” slippery when wet, right!

So this is what happens when bugs or invasive species over populate to biblical proportions. This is also a reason to understand that just one mistake can cause serious problems.


Photo from Univar Environmental Solutions

2 things to do to reduce scorpions activity at your home!



  1. Reduce the food source – if you take away their food, they will die.
  2. Black light and reduce their numbers.


probestpestmanagementIMG_20130906_131434     probestpestmanagementIMG_20130731_155852Photo by David H.

Reduce their food supply and harborage areas by performing monthly pest control.

If you spend the time to reduce their numbers, you will keep their numbers in check.

As always call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Termites issues – See anything?

Termites – Notice anything unusual?

Termites issues

Termites issues



I was driving the other day and noticed this on numerous homes in one specific neighborhood. Well here is my take, the pretreat didn’t work. So why did the pretreat not work? Here are my clues on this one.

  1. Wasn’t done at all.
  2. Wasn’t the correct mixture.
  3. Maybe somebody thought they did these homes, maybe not.
  4. Maybe a chemical we thought would work in AZ and didn’t.
  5. Wasn’t done at all, oops I said that again. Many of these homes had limited angle drilling and that leads me to think something is amiss, I’m not dropping names but in my opinion it’s a scary thing.

Now that we talked about sanitation, what is the next step?

On August 25th we did a home seal on Sanitation. We briefly talked about sanitation, but what factors play into cleanliness? How about the age of the building, how about shift work and who is responsible for over all cleaning? The entire staff must understand and management must concur with protocols.

  • So what if the building was 20 years old, will it differ from something newer? Maybe?
  • What type of floor does it have, tile, concrete and what about mats?
  • What about equipment, are there numerous cracks and nooks within?
  • Is there water present, how about fans and what range of temperatures?

Is this establishment a restaurant? Are there specials conditions?

  • Is there a bar, how about a buffet?
  • What kind of seats are available?
  • What are the operating hours, when must the work be done?

So what if this is your home? Why does sanitation play a role?

  • If you’ve seen Hoarders you know why? I have seen peanut jelly sandwiches between mattress and box springs, really!
  • Carpet or tile?
  • Laundry and who is responsible, depending on ages of children (or that guy that never cleans)?

So that next step might be to go back to the beginning and then make sure everyone knows their job and duties. The job is never-ending. But in the long haul if everyone understands their responsibilities it will be easier to figure out where the pests are coming from and handle the situation before it becomes impossible.

So do you have any other comments or ideas that may help?

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