All posts in “insects”

A little Puzzler of bug terms

Blood feeder – recent issue – 6 letters?


What killed 2/3’s ? population in Europe in or near 1350? 4 letters


Cockroach skins or feces can cause this – 6 letters?


Major roach pest in U.S. 6 letters?


Soaks up pesticides in restaurants, making it difficult to control pest – 3 letters?


Very small eight legged parasite – 4 letters?



answers-etim, lio,namreg,amhtsa,aelf,gubdeb – Good Luck

Urban Myth – maybe so on Praying Mantis



You thought having bugs was a real pain, the mating process is a lot tougher on those bugs  involved. The Black Widow, well we know how she got her name and the Praying Mantis often get their heads chopped off my one or the other in that mating ritual. So now we have the ultimate answer, or maybe not. “Do Female Praying Mantis always eat the males?”,  Published in Entomology Today and video from the Smithsonian Channel.

Cockroach invader new to NYC.


A species native to Asia has been located in Manhatten, New York, found by a Pest Control Operator. This species can also acclimate itself to colder weather, “Cold-tolerate cockroach from Asia found in NY“.

I’ve mentioned before “Insect and Mammal Invasive Species“, “Those Darn Illegals” and “The spread of Black Rats“.

The spread of non-native insects or plants can really cause major issues, justy look at those Quagga and Zebra  mussel.


Photo by Arizona Game & Fish

ProBest Pest Management – Pest Control

 Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!


Tagxedo turns words — famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters — into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.

This is what our ProBest homepage looks like and it looks like Professionals is right at the top.

It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? Sunset Crater

Sunset Crater

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Just north of Flagstaff is the Sunset Crater Volcano – Sometime between 1040 and 1100, a series of eruptions—the only eruptions in the Southwest indisputably witnessed by local peoples — brought the dormant San Francisco Volcanic Field back to life.

Cave-like lava tubes and cracks in the lava flows serve the needs of insects, spiders, lizards, and rodents. Bats also inhabit some of these spaces, flying out at night to feed. Birds, given their ability to fly freely between nesting and feeding sites, can be seen – and heard – throughout the monument. Among them are Steller’s jays, pinyon jays, black-chinned hummingbirds, white-breasted nuthatches, ravens, and crows. Golden eagles and several species of hawks watch from above. But the monument is surrounded by pine forests which provide foraging habitat for mule deer, elk, pronghorn, bobcat, and coyote, and are home to a variety of small mammals, including the Abert squirrel, cottontail rabbit, and porcupine.

Do you really like your spices?


There has been some recent work on what exactly you are getting when you purchase spices. “Imported spices from Indian, Mexico found cotaminated with salmonella and excreta.”

12% contaminated with insect fragments, whole insects, and rodent hairs and 7% contaminated with salmonella, a toxic bacteria that can cause severe illness in humans.

So remember those bargains aren’t always bargains. Shop wisely!



I think most food manufacturers take pride in producing their products but things happen from time to time. Have you ever found anything in your food? Comments please.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Insects are incredibly adaptable creatures and have evolved to live successfully in most environments on earth, including deserts and even the Antarctic. The only place where insects are not commonly found is in the oceans.

The blood of insects is yellow.

A botfly is known to fly at a speed of 1300 km/hr, which makes it faster then an aircraft.

A large swarm of locusts can eat 80,000 tons of corn in a day.

The oldest known insect on Earth is the cockroach. Cockroaches date back 350 million years ago.


You never know who you might meet, bug author?


I had the opportunity to meet a rather intesresting author the other day (Conrad Storad) – I was impressed with his book “Fang and Stinger – An Arachnid Story”. Not only does he take the child on a great adventure but he also teaches them along the way with his books. Please check out his books Five Star Publications.

480.250.9071 (days) or 480.897.7660 (evenings) e-mail: [email protected]

Write to him at:
Conrad J. Storad
Author, Editor, Science Writer
7726 S. El Camino Drive
Tempe, AZ 85284-1442

[email protected]t [email protected]

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Cockroaches are known to carry such diseases as polio, typhoid, gastroenteritis and hepatitis.

Africanized bees live in colonies with as many as 80,000 other bees; they are quick to get excited and attack in great swarms.

A scorpion can have up to 12 eyes.

Ladybugs aren’t really bugs at all, they’re beetles!

Insects are cold blooded and do not have lungs.


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