All posts in “inspection”

Have you ever watched someone do a termite inspection?

Have you ever watched someone do a termite inspection?

I’m somewhat set in my ways of doing a Termite Inspection, I always start at the door I walk in and I always go to my right. Now if someone interupts me, I go see what they want me to look at and then go back to my system. Generally speaking this prevents me from missing something and I’ll tell you that is very inportant in an inspection. One of the most important tool is my maglight, rechargeable and in the holder in my truck along with spare lightbulbs. So what else do I carry?

  1. Extra flashlight
  2. Knife
  3. Screwdrivers
  4. Mirror
  5. Coveralls
  6. Measuring wheel
  7. Camera
  8. Postcards or flyers from my company
  9. I think the most important tool is knowledge and I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before.

What else do you think we should I carry? Any ideas?

Successful strategies to prepare your home for winter:

Successful strategies to prepare your home for winter:


The key in my book is to keep an eye out throughout the year. If Africanized Honeybee’s have taken up residence and you didn’t notice it for a year you will have more problems because of the time involved to build more colony and honey storage. So here is my list:

  1. Check your home outside for any holes that may have developed over the past year – seal them, I suggest copper wool (won’t rust) or steel wool. Check for signs of termites, such as termite tubes or tunnels or damage. This can also be damage from water as well.
  2. Check inside your home, look for baseboard or paint that seems to be cracked or crinkled which might suggest termite activity.
  3. Only bring in enough firewood that you will use immediately, firewood can bring in pests like spiders, beetles or termites.
  4. Repair any screens that have been damaged.
  5. The winter is also a great time to check your attic, it’s cooler. Check for animal signs like feces or nesting materials. Check the roof for signs of water staining or damage, if capable check the roof from the outside – check shingles or tiles for any damage.
  6. If this is a cabin, drain the water lines and clean up. This will allow you to notice things on your return visit, remember HantaVirus and the clean up procedures.
  7. Now is also a good time to call your local Pest Management Professional for an inspection, especially here in Arizona because of the monsoon and the rains which make termites more active.

National Real Estate Trends

National Real Estate Trends 


So as the World turns, these are the days of our lives….  So I’m sure everybody has heard those words from the TV show and I’m sure none of us thought this economy was  going to be so terrible. This report explains the foreclosure forecast and I think it helps to give us some hope that things are on the mend –  National Real Estate Trends report.

I also recommend you follow my personal Realtor’s  home seal Sandi Nilson Sells Arizona, this will allow you to stay ahead of the curve on the Arizona housing market. Also please check Realtor Matthew Coates home seal @

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