All posts in “job”

Terrible job Dung beetles

Job or no job and worshiped by Pharaoh’s

Whats in a job? In one sense you are rolling around in feces but in another sense you are worshiped by Pharaoh’s. “Why pharaohs worshipped dung beetles”? So what other jobs are right up there? I’m thinking of Mike Rowe’s show “Dirty Jobs”. How about Port-O-Let delivery or septic tank cleaner? As a customer do you know of any? There are many jobs out there and they all must be done, it seems like they probably should pay well.

So the first question is – Are Dung beetles scarab beetles? At the writing of this, there is some contention here but I’m sure the researchers will ultimately work these details out. So right now, dung beetles are in the Family – Scarabeidae which consist of about 30,000 species.

The Egyptians looked at Dung beetles similar to that of the sun moving across our planet. “The sun crosses the sky, goes into the underworld and rises again”. The Dung beetles roll the ball of feces, they mate and lay eggs inside the ball and then the babies hatch and come out of the ball of feces.

Consequently pest control technicians deal with feces from time to time, bird and rodent poop build up. In addition to that we have to be in attic and crawlspaces, guess who may live in there? Animals, rodents and once we had to remove a dead javelina from inside a crawlspace, yuuuuuuuuuuck.

It all works if everyone does their job, what is it?

Bugs can and will move if given the opportunities. I have spoken about this before and I train my technicians to know about the bugs in others areas just so we can be sure if one pops up. What do I mean by this statement?

Example #1 – Someone moves from Kansas and they store their boxes in a temporary storage facility. They then move across the country and they accidentally bring a spider or other pest across state lines.

Example #2 – Someone visiting from another country visits the US and brings in a piece of fruit which as bugs on it.

Example #3 – Someone moves to Arizona and brings a potted plant with them.


All these stories could be true and the USDA does a great job of tracking and stopping some of these pests from moving around. A recent Aphid – SugarCane Aphid has been in Florida since 1977 and recently was discovered in Texas. Bugs do move and given the right circumstances will take advantage of every possible chance to move to another location.

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