All posts in “kids”

Greatest Dad

Greatest Dad and his family

This video high-lights Dad and his family. is the official website of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), a non-profit group committed to the protection of public health, food and property. This site serves as a complete resource for consumers, media, educators and pest control pro’s. From common household pests to do-it-yourself pest control tips, provides timely information and tools to better serve our visitors’ pest management needs.

Please utilize as your main resource for information on bugs, rodents, pest control, and the growing professional pest management industry.

Pest control professionals are invited to visit to access the National Pest Management Association’s member website. This site provides timely news, valuable information and access to all NPMA member benefits.


Dad ProBest is a member of the NPMA



Provide Business, Education, and Resource Tools Essential for Success by Pest Management Professionals


Ensure Legislation and Regulations are Favorable to the Pest Management Industry


Offer Programs to Support Industry and Individual Members’ Business Growth



Resources for IPM


I talk a lot about IPM because it just makes sense, you know the stories and how people just want the old way of pest control. Just like any business you have to change and adapt to those changes or you ultimately die from lack of business. I will admit it isn’t easy to walk away from money but Integrated Pest Management  (IPM) is here to stay) and the the betterment of all of us.

Which makes more sense:

  • Pest Company A shows up at your home, power sprays (soaks everything with pesticide), then comes inside your home and using a compressed sprayer sprays all the baseboards within the home.
  • Pest Company B asks questions about activity, does a walk around the property and then begins a treatment program. They use a webber broom to knock down webs and locates wasps nest. They might use bait for ants outside and/or using a backpack treat specific locations for scorpions and crickets, they might use a bellows hand duster to put pesticide dust into cracks and crevices to treat the insects (food insects or actual pests) that might be hiding in those areas. If there is a problem within that structure they might use baits or products that pose less risks to the family and pets.

School & Home Integrated Pest Management July 2014 Newsletter – Thanks to the University of Arizona (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.


We grow some big lizards out here in Arizona.


One of the highlights of my day is spotting a lizard and hoping that they won’t have an upset stomach from eating any bugs I may hit with a little pesticide. They help me by keeping pests infestations down by making dinner of crickets and the like. We have some pretty big ones, not in comparison to Komoto Dragons of course but hey big is big – depending on who is saying what. I know some people don’t like lizards but I think they are helpful in keeping down insects that might make it into your homes. So please don’t harm them, they are trying to help.

Check out PestWorld for Kids


Junior entomologists in grades K – 8 will discover fun information and learning activities, such as pest guides, a pest glossary, report writing center, science fair projects and interactive quizzes. Parents and teachers can access a library of lesson plans that support standards from the National Science Teachers Association and the National Council of Teachers of English.

Check it out at

Have you read the news lately about bugs?


I’m truly amazed when it comes to what kids do, I think the biggest thing I ever remember doing as a kid was to push my curfew. Of course I was a great kid, just saying! But have you read about kids crushing up Bed Bugs and smoking them – well its all a hoax – My first thought when I did hear this story on the radio was where are they getting all these Bed Bugs from?

Origins: April 2014 saw the proliferation of Internet accounts, based on a purported local television news spot from Phoenix station KNXV, reporting the latest alleged shocking schoolyard trend: kids smoking or injecting crushed bedbugs to get a cheap high from a hallucinogenic substance (PH-417) supposedly contained within those critters:

The latest news story concerns “Beezin” teens supposedly slatering eyelids with Burt’s Bee lip balm to experience tingly high.


Bed Bugs hiding under wallpaper

Origins:   April 2014 saw the proliferation of Internet accounts, based on a purported local television news spot from Phoenix station KNXV, reporting the latest alleged shocking schoolyard trend: kids smoking or injecting crushed bedbugs to get a cheap high from a hallucinogenic substance (PH-417) supposedly contained within those critters:
Origins:   April 2014 saw the proliferation of Internet accounts, based on a purported local television news spot from Phoenix station KNXV, reporting the latest alleged shocking schoolyard trend: kids smoking or injecting crushed bedbugs to get a cheap high from a hallucinogenic substance (PH-417) supposedly contained within those critters:

Beware the cave of death!


Beware the cave of death! Not really but it does hold the Arizone Bark Scorpions. It is fun to show off these little pests that can easily make it into homes and businesses.

One of the perks of my teaching or events that I attend is the fact that I have bugs and stuff to show off. That is a big draw for children of all ages, they all want to see the collection.

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The love of adventure – the quest for knowledge!


The quest for knowledge continues at our Bug Zoo at the Chandler Environmental Education Center. I really enjoy teaching the kids about the bugs and wildlife. It is gratifying to learn that one little one learned about Bark Scorpions and got Mom or Dad to catch the little interloper inside the home and dispatch it to to scorpion heaven.

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Check the schedule on the side panel calendar and stop by for our Bug Zoo at Chandler Environmental Education Center.

What life lesson have you learned?


As we grow older we are supposed to gain wisdom, does that always work? I think not but here is my take on what I have learned in my short time on this planet.

  1. You can’t be good at everything, so be good with what you can be. I started in the pest industry in 1992 and started as a salesman. I was OK but that was about it and then an opportunity presented itself, I was given a chance to be a Service Manager. I found my calling, I love service and I love solving issues. Now don’t get me wrong, I can sell and I think most of don’t realize that we sell everyday. You sell yourself, maybe to a new friend, or a new job. But whatever it is, we sell everyday just as we promote ourselves.
  2. Be passionate about what you do and you can do anything. Some days are tougher than others but I love my job, I love sharing my knowledge with others especially kids. It is really fun to see a child’s mind start to work and comprehend the lifecycle of bugs and that things can indeed hurt you.

So how about you? How about commenting below and tell me your stories?


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