All posts in “liability insurance”

The Scout Motto “Be Prepared”

The Scout Motto “Be Prepared”  

As we go through life we all strive to set our sights on what is ahead! I was reminded of all this because of that new TV show – “”Doomsday Preppers” but the Boy Scout movement has known this for a long time. The time to know about a chemical spill is before it happens, that is why we always promote and encourage  our technicians to know that Label and MSDS backwards and forward, page for page!

We all understand the importance of “Be Prepared”, we all have auto insurance or liability insurance – which helps us when something unforeseen happens. So having a plan before a catastrophe happens is prudent and advisable.

ProBest Pest Management offers refrigerator magnets with the Emergency Numbers, all children should be instructed in the use of emergencies etc and these magnets make it easy to have them available in a convenient place. Drop by our office in Gilbert for your magnet.

Tips for Finding A Pest Control Pro

Tips for Finding A Pest Control Pro

  1.  Always deal with a qualified and licensed pest management company. Consider asking to see the license or other credentials of the pest control professional that comes to solve your pest problem.
  2. Evaluate pest control companies that are members of national, state or local pest management associations.
  3. Consider an NPMA QualityPro company. Visit for more information.
  4. Ask friends and neighbors to recommend pest control companies they have used successfully and how satisfied they were with the service.
  5. Be wary of the exterminator who comes to your home uninvited and offers to give your house a free inspection for pests. He or she may try to scare you into authorizing immediate and costly treatments.
  6. If a sizable amount of money is involved, get bids from several pest management companies.
  7. Don’t rush a decision. Since you are paying for professional knowledge as well as skillful application of pesticides, look for someone whose judgment you can trust.
  8. Before signing a contract, be sure to fully understand the nature of the household pest to be exterminated, the extent of the infestation, and the work necessary to solve the problem.
  9. Find out if the pest control company has liability insurance to cover any damages to your house or furnishings during treatment.
  10. If a guarantee is given, know what it covers, how long it lasts, what you must do to keep it in force, and what kind of continuing control, prevention and management are necessary.
  11. Buy value, not price. Beware of exterminators that offer bargains that sound too good to be true.
  12. Homeowners can call state pest control regulatory agencies for information regarding the status of pest management companies. In most states the regulatory agency is the State Department of Agriculture.

ProBest Pest Management       425 W. Guadalupe Road Gilbert, AZ 85233 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

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