All posts in “mildew”

This is something you often don’t heard about, snails?

Woman gets help moving out of apartment crawling with snails.” Ok to be honest the pictures aren’t that helpful but I’m  pretty sure they aren’t snails. Snails as far as I know have little shells on them. I would think more of a some type of  mold or plaster beetle larva or maybe slugs of some kind.

Ok so as always we go back to the basic premise of pest control, identification is the first step. This helps to decide the course of action leading to sanitation, physical removal and application of control measures.

My first recommendation is you have to stop the water or moisture from getting in, then I would suggest home-sealing to keep the bugs from getting in.


Odor Smell Eliminator

Odor & Smells Eliminator 


Earth Care Bags do not have to come into contact with the odors causing agent. Simply hang the bag near the smell and in 24 hours the smell will be gone. Earth Care acts like a magnet by attracting and neutralizing smells. It is made from an all natural mineral, is non toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth. Most odors can be removed entirely within 24 hours of use. It is also safe around children and pets, even if eaten. This Odor Removing Bag  removes odors like a sponge, using the properties of natural minerals – no fragrances or cover-ups.  The Odor Removing Bag is as easy to use as placing the bag near the source of the smell, and it will pull the smells from the entire room.  Each bag will last 3 – 4 months once opened.  One bag is recommended per room or every 100 square feet and you can use multiple bags. Earth Care adsorbs smells rather than masking them with a fragrance. ProBest Pest Management carries these odor bags in our DIY store in Gilbert, AZ.



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