All posts in “milk”

Marketing Facebook Twitter and Social Media ProBest Pest Management

Marketing and Advertising

is something to really consider, money is the biggest factor in what you pay for is what you get, right? So it pays if you know something about social media aspects or you have to learn as you go. There is a difference between social media 1. marketing – communication between your company and the target audience 2. advertising is that form of marketing used my you to promote your service. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are the modes of how to get that message to your audience. A good slogan helps “Call A Pro… Call The Best. ProBest!

Remember a few of the good ones over the years: One of my favorites was that Norelco Christmas spot 1970 with Santa riding the shaver on snow, Coke and its “I’d like to buy the world a Coke”, the Milk commercial with milk on your upper lip. Can you name any of your favorites? Comment below!




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