All posts in “Mud Daubers”

mud dauber wasp not termites

Mud dauber waspmud dauber wasp



Mud dauber wasp – Every once in a while we get a call from someone thinking they have termites. The picture is a mud dauber wasp, the female constructs this nest out of dirt. Shen then paralyzes a few spiders and deposits an egg within – providing lunch for her offspring.  Mud daubers don’t generally sting or defend their nest but that isn’t a reason to harass them because they can sting if provoked. You might find them collecting water to help build their nest.


Just wait for the baby wasp to hatch out or use a shovel to dislodge the mud nest.

Is this termites?


I often get calls that start out by saying I know I have termites and I need to have someone come out to give me an estimate. Mud Daubers are wasps nd they use mud to construct nest in which they house the next generation of solitary wasps. Mud Daubers rarely sting and do not defend their mud shelter, they may fly at you but it is not a defense.

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