All posts in “neuter”

Feral Cats


I try not to do this service and for good reason, it hardly ever ends well for anyone. Somebody always takes extreme exception to my performance of the issue. So here is the recommended service protocol – trap the animal, take it to a shelter have it spayed and/or neutered  and then return it to the original location.This procedure cost lots of money in labor and the service for the shelter isn’t free, see the services listed below.

Thev reason to spay/neuter and release the animals back to the original location, prevents another cat family talking over the area. Here is an original story on feral cats by ProBest from 2009.


My hats off to PetSmart Charities for there continued work with pets and for this infographic, click the link to give them a hand in this work. The problem isn’t the cats and dogs, its us as a society – don’t abandon pets and have yours spay/neutered, or maybe even a donation to PetSmart.

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