The very minute you walk into the home, you know there are issues. How does the bug guy know? Let me share my observations:
- The cockroaches are in the door hinges or above the entry door into the home.
- The cockroaches are in the bedrooms.
- The cockroaches are in the living or dining rooms.
- The home has a distinct odor. Once you have been in a home with a severe cockroach problem you never forget that smell. The same applies to Bed Bugs and sometimes rats or rodents.
Did you know that a smell can bring on a flood of memories, influence people’s moods and even affect their work performance. Maybe walking into a house where someone is baking cookies and you instantly recall your Grandmother in the kitchen or if your a pest operator walking into a place where the roaches far outnumber any other living things. Gives you the heebie jeebies right?
Tell me your instant recall of a smell you have encountered, maybe I’ll share a few more.