All posts in “pest management”

Old timer spray devices


My collection isn’t huge but it does contain some sprayers from years ago, some are quite interesting.







Resources for IPM


I talk a lot about IPM because it just makes sense, you know the stories and how people just want the old way of pest control. Just like any business you have to change and adapt to those changes or you ultimately die from lack of business. I will admit it isn’t easy to walk away from money but Integrated Pest Management  (IPM) is here to stay) and the the betterment of all of us.

Which makes more sense:

  • Pest Company A shows up at your home, power sprays (soaks everything with pesticide), then comes inside your home and using a compressed sprayer sprays all the baseboards within the home.
  • Pest Company B asks questions about activity, does a walk around the property and then begins a treatment program. They use a webber broom to knock down webs and locates wasps nest. They might use bait for ants outside and/or using a backpack treat specific locations for scorpions and crickets, they might use a bellows hand duster to put pesticide dust into cracks and crevices to treat the insects (food insects or actual pests) that might be hiding in those areas. If there is a problem within that structure they might use baits or products that pose less risks to the family and pets.

School & Home Integrated Pest Management July 2014 Newsletter – Thanks to the University of Arizona (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.















We don’t often talk about grasshoppers or locust but I would say that they would be considered occasional pests. Those pests that accidentally get into homes or businesses. Technically a locust is a grasshopper but not all grasshoppers are locusts. Locusts were once known as the Plague of the West and will eat almost anything in its path.

Keeping windows and doors shut will keep them out along with repairing window screens.

Just couldn’t do it, no tree trimming for me…

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Sorry this is just a job I couldn’t even think about doing. Would scare me to death, I’m better on the ground. I’m not even thrilled to be on a  one-story roof. So if you need my expertise (pests, pest control  and their damage) it had better be on the ground level. Just saying!

It’s not always about the scorpions or tarantulas, how about visiting Arizona? Zoos

We have two award winning Zoo’s in Phoenix in my opinion.


PhxZoo   The Phoenix Zoo 455 North Galvin Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85008 602-273-1341. This is an awesome zoo and they continue to become better and better, They do have a notice on their webpage about sunscreen and I’m telling you in the summer that is a great idea actually all year long is good. Wear a hat and glasses as well, but they do have several exhibits inside which will help you cool off.



WildlifeWorldZoo  The World Wildlife Zoo & Aquarium 623-935-WILD (9453) | 16501 W. Northern Ave., Litchfield Park, AZ 85340.  It is great to have an additional zoo in the Phoenix area, since I love the concept of promoting animals and wildlife. They recently opened their 4th aquarium building which include turtles and otter habitats.

Preventing Asthma And Allergy Symptoms

More than nine out of ten allergists surveyed (97 percent) believe a pest-free home is an important step in preventing asthma and allergy symptoms, according to a recent survey conducted by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) supported by a grant from the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

The AAFA survey of allergists also revealed the following: Press Release

  • Nearly 8 out of 10 allergists surveyed (76 percent) say, aside from dust mites, cockroaches are the most problematic household pest for patients suffering from asthma or allergies. More than half of allergists surveyed (57 percent) rank rodents as the second most problematic, and nearly two-thirds (63 percent) rank stinging insects as third.
  • More than 9 out of 10 allergists surveyed (95 percent) regularly advise their patients to reduce their exposure to pest allergens in their homes.
  • 9 out of 10 allergists surveyed (90 percent) would recommend that a patient with a pest problem consult with a pest management professional.
  • When asked to provide open-ended comments about advice they give to patients who have a sensitivity to cockroach allergen, the most frequent advice cited by allergists surveyed was to contact or hire a pest management professional.
18_American Cockroach on Sponge

Photo by PPMA

Does your pest company still power spray or spray inside monthly?


There are several things happening around the U.S. which may impact pest control in your specific area.

  • The EPA has been trying to reduce the use of rodentcides, mainly due to secondary poisonings. My hope is that people use common sence in placement of poisons, don’t randomly throw packets throughout attics or crawlspaces. ProBest has not used any of those packets since 2005 and we have swtiched to Terad3 in rodent stations.
  • The restrictions of pesticides continue, power spraying of Permethrin type chemicals are just one of the ways the EPA is limiting chemical usage.

The use of IPM or Integrated Pest Management continues to be the choice of real prevention of pests. So here are a few tips to reduce the use of pesticides and allow them to continue to be used in the future.

  1. Be aware of placement especially of rodentcides. I’m a big fan of not using any rodenticide within a structure, use of snap traps can be just as effective.
  2. Use pestcides that can be hidden and placed where insects will find them, crack and crevices, block voids and wall voids.
  3. Don’t spray any flowering plant.
  4. Follow IPM standards.
  5. Always read and follow label and use directions.

IPM – Integrated Pest Management resources


One of the biggest reasons that I home seal is to pass along education information – Knowledge is Power. This site is full of great information and can be used for all types of circumstances.

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Folk art – complaints

I’ve seen these before but never had one for the office.


Go ahead Push for Complaint! Go ahead I dare ya… Thanks to Janet H. for the device.

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