All posts in “pestimonials”

30 days to nothing

30 days to nothing, the saga of a mouse…

30 days to nothing, the saga of a mouse…

 30 days to nothing-  OK to be candid with you I almost decided not to publish this dribble! Really the entire story just makes me sick and not because of the mouse but    what some people will do to cash in on a lawsuit. Remember that lady with the McDonald’s coffee years back, she put the coffee cup between her legs and it spilled and burned her. Well my point is you can’t fix stupid, I mentioned that often here but for God’s sake you know its HOT and you put it between your legs – please!!!

So as the story goes “Mountain Dew Can Dissolve a Mouse“, I think most of us have heard of Pepsi or Coke and how it can dissolve a penny. So grow and realize that most of these beverages are made of acidic materials. I drink Mountain Dew and will continue to because I like it and just because some guy thought he could pull a fast one doesn’t stop me from enjoying a Dew. Now I’m not an expert in the bottling industry but having seen some shows, bottles (if they even use them anymore) are washed out, upside down, rinsed and thoroughly disinfected and filled and closed with minutes, cans and plastic bottles are new even if recycled. I don’t think there is any opportunity for anything the size of a mouse to get into a production line these days.

So anyway don’t believe everything you hear, don’t worry about PepsiCo or Coca Cola (Coke). Read my recent home seal about Food Safety.

Here is another take on the Mouse versus the Dew from EHS Eco-Sensitive Pest Solutions from NorthEast USA.

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