All posts in “pests”

Should you discontinue service if you don’t see bugs?

Should you discontinue service if you don’t see bugs?


The one thing I can assure you, is that bugs can hide extremely well. They can hide in the smallest of cracks, under rocks, or just about any nook or cranny. Just because you don’t see them, they are there. The more harborage areas, that’s where they hang out during the heat of the day or the cold of night equals the possibility of hiding bugs.

So lets say you have crickets, well scorpions just love crickets so by continuing to eradicate the crickets means that the scorpions won’t have any food. The less food = less other predators. Less hiding areas = less predators.

So by continuing with a pest management plan = less bugs in general and the probability that you will continue to have less predators in place as well. The other issue in the southwest is the lack of real cold, enough to freeze or kill the bugs. This year as in the past year we haven’t had a real cold to kill off the bugs and that is going to mean bugs… and lots of them.

So I would keep the pest control going, less bugs = less bugs in your homes.




How often do you check your A/C filters?

How often do you check your A/C filters?


probestIMAG0227 I think most replacement filters suggest every 60 days, but I think a more appropriate answer is when they are dirty. The rest of the answer is how many contaminates are involved with your home? Do you have pets, do you live in an area where they have smog days and how many people live in your home? What about allergies, do you or someone living in your home have allergies? If you answered yes, then you should consider special filters that collect more contaminates. Dust mites, German Cockroaches and other pests can increase asthma conditions and should be prevented.


What are some of my favorite bug artwork that I own?

What are some of my favorite bug artwork that I own?


probestpestmanagementIMAG0176      probestpestmanagementIMAG0178


The scorpion was a gift for speaking in Mexico (my largest group ever over 500) from my friends Tere de and Eduardo Dessens, Tere saved my life by translating my talk on termites into Spanish and Eduardo used to work for FMC Mexico. The grasshopper I found while on one of my antique trips in Arizona. I’m always on the hunt for unique bug stuff.

What do bugs really want?

What do bugs really want?  stinkbugs


Plain and simple they want food, water and a home? That is exactly what we can and often times do provide them. Now the key to getting rid of them is by getting rid of one of those key essential things that they need to survive. The BIG problem is that we don’t often think about bugs when creating a home. We create little hiding areas, we water our plants and we leave our dog dishes out with food in them.

Our homes are the perfect environment for them, we have heat in the winter and cooler temps in the summer, we have lights on our houses which also may atttract them. See,  they really don’t understand and probably could care less but the light, heat etc  attracts them.

So here is the true test – you have to make your home uninviting to those guests you don’t want living at your home. Get yellow lights, seal your home and water sparingly and you may become the one house in your neighborhood where the bugs won’t make their homes.


I know my BUG’s by ProBest Pest Management – Contest April 1st, 2013

I know my BUG’s by ProBest Pest Management – Contest    – April 2nd, 2013


The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) have recently created the Pest I.D. Cards set and ProBest Pest Management is going to have a contest for kids.

For thirty weeks (30) we will post a Pest I.D. on our front door at 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233, have your child read the info and go to one of the staff and they will stamp your paper.

You must collect all 30 stamps and you will receive a free set of cards.

Good Luck, have FUN and I.D. the bugs


Now what do you do?



This reminded me of the many things we do and don’t always finish as human beings. We start a project and it goes on forever, you attempt to kill that spider and he falls and you can’t find him. Yuuuuuck, right! The nice thing about this is that I don’t believe spiders or insects in general can remember stuff like this.

Tom Turpin Professor of Entomology at Purdue University has written the following:

“Sensory memory applies to all kinds of animals. But do seemingly mindless creatures such as insects have memories? Scientists say “yes.” Certainly, insects learn. Insects such as butterflies learn the shape of preferred host plant leaves. Honey bees can learn the visual landmarks between the hive and a patch of flowers. Grasshoppers learn to avoid plants that upset their stomachs.”

I know my BUG’s by ProBest Pest Management – Contest

I know my BUG’s by ProBest Pest Management – Contest    – April 1st, 2013


The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) have recently created the Pest I.D. Cards set and ProBest Pest Management is going to have a contest for kids.

For thirty weeks (30) we will post a Pest I.D. on our front door at 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233, have your child read the info and go to one of the staff and they will stamp your paper.

You must collect all 30 stamps and you will receive a free set of cards.

Good Luck, have FUN and I.D. the bugs


How to get ready for the Spring bug season?

How to get ready for the Spring bug season?

  1. The more feeder bugs could equal more scorpions or spiders on your property and eventually inside your home, pest control is important.
  2. Check your home for cracks and crevices where bugs and rodents try to get in.
  3. Don’t store stuff around the foundation of your home.
  4. If you do have firewood, store it on something and away from the house.
  5. Check your storage areas for pests.
  6. Don’t over water things, to much water may kill plants and encourage more bug activity.

As always if you become overwhelmed don’t let it go and hope for the best. Call a Pest Management Professional who can either give you advice or give you a hand. A great site for information on seeking a Professional is



Do you know why sprays don’t always work on ants?

Do you know why sprays don’t always work on ants?




What you see isn’t anything compared to what is below the surface. So if you decide to spray, you will only kill the ones in direct contact with the pesticide.  It is important to kill the Queen ant, when she is dead you will have accomplished the task at hand. Death to the entire colony.

My favorite for this job is TerroPCO, which we carry at our office.


Photo from ProBest Pest Management

Photo from ProBest Pest Management



Guess the bug, any ideas? Is it a fly or is it a bee? How can we tell?

ProBest Pest Management

425 W Guadalupe Road #110

Gilbert, AZ 85233

602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176


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