All posts in “ProBest”

Bedbugs and hotels, did you know this?

I used to travel a lot and I’m guilty of letting the maids skip my room, I thought it would allow them to go home earlier. So this recent article made me smarter about a hotel stay. “Five myths about hotel housekeeping


Obviously I’m making a point about one of the myths and that is that the Bedbug scare is over – people are taking more precautions but those pesky little bugs are still out there.

Check out All things Bedbugs for more information and things to do to prevent an infestation at your home.


Are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

First off – Happy Thanksgiving!


Over the roads and through the woods, oh wait that is Christmas but if you are traveling please plan ahead for unwanted pests.

  1. Are you spending the night out, are you visiting friends or staying at a motel. Bedbugs can and do travel. The National Pest Management Association “Reminds travelers to pack bed bug prevention tips” you don’t want or need these pests at your home.
  2. Visit the site (All things BedBugs).
  3. At the first sign of any pests seek out a Pest Management Professional and your Holidays should be pest free.

Disease in Bed Bugs?

Disease and my favorite bug is in the news once again – The Kissing Bug, apparently the dreaded Bedbug may now transmit a similar disease carried by the Kissing Bug.

In a study published online this week in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, senior author Michael Z. Levy, PhD, assistant professor in the department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, and researchers at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru conducted a series of laboratory experiments that demonstrated bi-directional transmission of T. cruzi between mice and bed bugs.

So if you live in the South I highly recommend making sure your screens are in place, wear repellent when hiking an if you have horses or cattle keep an eye out for the Kissing Bugs


If traveling store your suitcase or luggage in the bathroom until you make an inspection of your hotel room, don’t accept or purchase furniture with inspecting it as well.


disease Photo by PPMA


Hantavirus – caution needed…

A recent story in the news brings to light – the caution needed when doing work in crawlspaces or attic areas. If you live in the Southwest you need to be aware of hantavirus – “Adams County, CO man dies of hantavirus“.


Urine or feces which if dried, can be inhaled and brought into your lungs and then the symptoms  really begin – they include fever, chills, headache & severe muscle pain, especially in the lower back and legs.



Photo by NPMA

Have you ever seen Termite drop tubes?


This was just a cool shot, termite drop tube inside the bathroom coming down a window area.

Arizona termites doing their thing.

Seen something like this – call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Tough day, nobody wants me…

So I arrived to do a termite inspection and was laughing as I left. I don’t think they missed much on their list. Except thin mints – still laughing…


See any they missed, comment below.


I can see this happening, can you?

So you’re driving and something catches you off guard. You think or thought you saw something scurry across your vision. What was it, oh my gosh was it a spider, bee or a cockroach. This story out of New Zealand.


Officer, the cockroach caused the crash.”

Don’t panic, drive or slow down and then get out. OK then you can panic….

Cockroach image by PPMA

Cockroach image by PPMA


Off Label – dangerous and extremely improper method to eradicate rodents.

I now understand why the EPA wants to take away these products from consumers. Not all consumers are this reckless. I have even seen Pest Professionals do things that are not wise, spray for weeds in short pants with flip flops on. But I guess that is why they award the Darwin Awards each year for stupidity. That is also why items need warning labels such as “Don’t put your hands under mower when its running”. This is all dangerous, what if a child ran across this bait while on a walk. Bait must be securely installed within a rodent bait box, not accessible to children or pets. These packets are often throw into attic and I have seen rodents attempt to bring it out via the weep holes in the attic. I’ll also mention another pet peeve of mine, moth balls – they are not intended to be throw anywhere you want, they are poisonous to animals and children. Any pesticide can be dangerous, they all have Label directions of use and Safety Data Sheets and should be read each time you use them. Pests pose a significant risk to the public health and that is why I consider myself a Public Health Professional. Pesticides save lives everyday and should be used in accordance with the Label. Things change and pesticides are getting better at doing their intended purposes. The EPA has a very informative site for the safety of pesticides.

Please read the label, it is the law and must be followed for the safety of your community.

DANGEROUS is about all I can say! It isn’t just about yourself, it’s about the general public at large. Just think for moment before doing something. Thank you!

off label

off label

Why do Bedbugs hide in the smallest of spaces?

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I’m really impressed by the fact that bugs hide so well. I guess eon’s of time has programmed them to survive and hiding offers them the chance to do it and well.

Notice all adult stages, including instars and eggs in the pictures.

Travel well my friends!

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