All posts in “ProBest”

Don’t drill here.


We have mentioned before about these post tension slabs, but I wanted to show a different picture than the one posted awhile back.







So before doing any major work at your home, investigate and use caution. I think it is important to know your property, monthly checks are crucial to understanding and preventing any big problems.

Arizona termites – sneaky and they will get in.




Arizona has some rather sneaky termites but very capable of gaining entry into our homes. They usually make termite tunnels over the outside foundation but can also make their way in by way of that crack or where concrete meets another piece of concrete. This photo was the only evidence within this home but looks typical of those mud tubes or tunnels on the foundation.


So if you notice something that looks like this or a drop tube from the ceiling it’s time to call ProBest Pest Management at 602-249-7378.

What can be done with scorpions?


Does it seem like those darn scorpions just won’t die? No matter what you do they continue to be on your property. The problem is that here in Arizona if the weather doesn’t get real cold everything just makes it through the winter.







So home seal your home, reduce the numbers by black lighting and reduce the food by performing monthly pest control.

A new species of rodent discovered


New rodent species discovered in Indonesia” and the scary part is that it is carnivorous water rat. I’m often astounded that we are still finding new species across the world and this just goes to show how small our world is.

On the bottoms of its toes are small, fleshy pads that may help it hold onto the streambed when hunting underwater.

So as your hiking or rock climbing and your run across something different, it might be unique and technically something yet to be discovered. Maybe, maybe not?


What are my Top 5 Arizona bug calls for the summer?


Top 5 Bug Calls of the summer to ProBest Pest Management


  1. Scorpions (of course).
  2. Ants
  3. Cockroaches (mainly American – outside issues) due to heat and lack of water.
  4. Honeybees.
  5. Termites


Are window screens necessary to living in Arizona?


Having lived in Florida and Arizona I know how easy it is for bugs to get into your home. Many things can be done to keep bugs out including having your home sealed, that J-trim often pulls away from the home and allows crickets and scorpions a path right into your home. Replacing door sweeps or installing garage thresholds can be another great add-on to stop those pests from getting into your home.

Ryan Van Velzer, The Republic | recently did an article on “What you should know about Arizona’s Kissing Bug“.


The trend of GREEN, what do I mean?


As Kermit the Frog has said numerous times “It ain’t easy being Green”. The trend over the last 10 years or more is to lean against the use of pesticides unless it is absolutely needed and I agree. Now with that said, I do believe that pesticides are needed. Numerous people die every year from diseases brought on by vectors like mosquitoes or fleas. Along with that number are the people that are stung or biten by things like scorpions, bees and spiders.

“Green Buildings” Have potential to improve health of low-income housing residents.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the protocol of using tools to stop the pests from gaining entry before using pesticides. It still allows the use of pesticides but after using those tools to keep them out. Examples of this include home-sealing, eliminating hiding spaces and rocks on your property and installing or updating garage or door thresholds/door sweeps.


Bug eating craze – what would you eat?


Top 5 insects you should be eating“. Maybe this would be a way to keep those pests numbers down, OK I wouldn’t be eating anything I found out in the wild unless I had to.

Not only are insects cheap, they are filled with proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

Bed Bugs are still out there folks…


These bugs are a major pain in the — to many who thought it wouldn’t happen to them. Calls have increased due to summer travel, so please beware and take precautions. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has a lot of good information, so please take a moment of your time to read and understand.

Now on to a touchier situation, don’t believe everything you read about Bed Bugs but rather visit those sites that have good information.  People still tend to I read this or that and I try my best to set the record straight, but the NPMA really is the authority on bugs. They set the standard with QualityPro and a staff Entomologist. The more you know = KNOWLEDGE and we all know that Knowledge is Power.


Black Widow webs







Spiders have always creeped me out and the Black Widow is the ultimate of the creepy ones. Just the way they hang out in their web, hanging upside down and the stickiness of the web is weird. I know spiders eat a lot of bugs (competition) but they in general just look menacing.

A few facts:

  1. More common in the South and Southwest but can be found almost anyplace.
  2. Venom attacks nervous system, dangerous bite but rarely fatal.
  3. Usually outside at night.
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