All posts in “ProBest”

Update – Update – Chikungunya virus.


One of my friends sent me an update on my recent Blog Post – “Those darn mosquitoes are at it again – Chikungunya virus.” Dawn is my go-to-person on anything IPM and a wealth of great bug information.

Dawn Gouge, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Associate Specialist – Entomology
University of Arizona -MAC
37860 W. Smith-Enke Road, Maricopa, AZ 85138 USA


July US cases:

Resources for healthcare providers:

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Thanks to Dawn for putting this PowerPoint presentation together.


What is digging up my yard?








Do you have holes in your yard? Have you seen critters or other animals digging in your yard? Many things can cause damage to yards, from animals digging for their food to animals or insects trying to get away from something. You know who to call…

Termites can’t read…

I guess it is somewhat ironic that the termites found this box and decided to eat the cardboard. They didn’t get to the bait but they were on their way into the box and the contents. This came from one of my customers that had this box in their garage and the termites found the cardboard. Termite will eat anything that has cellulose in it and will often times cause damage to drywall and books. Got Termites –  give ProBest Pest Management a call at 602-249-7378 for quality termite work .

Gilbert termite control

Gilbert termite control






Honeybees in your pool?

Do you have a pool? Just like us, insects and critters need 3 things – water, food and shelter. The problem is that they don’t know the difference between a natural source of water or a swimming hole or fountain.

Here in Arizona there are many crevices from rock or cactus which may allow a swarm to take up residence close to your home. The water of your pool or fountain just becomes handy for them and they will come to your water source. So lets assume you live beside a mountain and there are bees coming there everyday, what do you do? So this becomes a bigger issue because you don’t have any idea where they are and you don’t have permission to deal with them, unless they are on your property.

I have seen people create a separate water device away from the pool, like a fountain or just a container that you replenish daily. This may be enough to pull them away from that water source to that dish or container. But to my knowledge there isn’t much I can do to keep them away from the water.

pool 48_Honey Bees

pool Photo by PPMA

Where did we get our big brains from?


There is new research that may indicate it was from hunting insects – “Insect diet may have resulted in humans big brains.”

The study provides support for an evolutionary theory that links the development of sensorimotor (SMI) skills, such as increased manual dexterity, tool use, and innovative problem solving, to the creative challenges of foraging for insects and other foods that are buried, embedded or otherwise hard to procure.


Photo by PPMA

Happy 4th of July!!!


So whether you are planning a picnic or just some time on your back porch to celebrate the “Day of Freedom” – we wish you a pleasant and Happy 4th of July.


02_Argentine Ants










July 4th  – the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress. Happy 4th all and let us all remember Freedom is not Free is is paid by the loyalty and blood of our military and those that served. God Bless America….

Those darn mosquitoes are at it again – Chikungunya virus.


I probably have said this a few times but a really great reason to read my home seal – I stay ahead of the curve on new species, updates on issues around the US and World  and primarily issues with vector borne diseases.

3 confirmed cases of Chikungunya virus in NC”  A few of these diseases include symptoms that some of us could account for daily such as joint pain, headaches and rashes.

Stay well my friends…


Photo by PPMA

It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? Sedona and Oak Creek canyon











One of my favorite places to visit is just a little over an hour north of Phoenix and that is Sedona and just outside of Sedona is Oak Creek Canyon. An eclectic and unique hideaway from the heat and pace of Phoenix. (Just for the record I’m the one on the left in the picture above). My personal recommendation for lunch or dinner is the Taos Cantina  and the greatest waiter is Manny. Tell him I sent you…

It is just fun to walk around and enjoy yourself. No comments on those white legs.

Will people ever learn?


I have to tell you, sometimes I worry about people. Why you ask? Because of stories like this “Feeding Alligators: dangerous unlawful.”  I guess it doesn’t really surprise me, that is why those shows on TV are so riveting. You know someone is going to walk up to that Buffalo like he knows what he is doing and then POW…. I guess that is why all those warning labels are on things, to stop that one person who was thinking – should I really do that or not. Selection of the fitness!

So what kind of tips can I give if you own a house and want to keep those critters out:

  1. Don’t encourage them to live with you, don’t stack stuff around the outside of your home.
  2. Check weep holes and secure them – no open holes.
  3. Don’t create harborages, don’t set your shed on the ground. This is a possible site for all types of animals.
  4. Don’t leave doors or windows opened, things can crawl in. That is how I captured the snake below, someone left a door opened. She was about a foot long and is currently over 6 foot.


Black Widow webs

The female Black Widow usually spends time hanging from her web, this web is often times small to medium size irregular in shape. They can also hide in corners or recessed area where there is some protection.







The web itself is a bit crackly or even somewhat brittle. Just be careful touching it as she may decide to come charging out, she may think you are dinner caught in her web.

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