All posts in “ProBest”

Why am I lazy, I’m blaming it on my genes?


I’m really not lazy but since everyone blames everything else on something else, I might as well think it to be hereditary. I do hate the gym but work is another matter, I love what I do. This study was of course done on rats “Study suggests laziness could be hereditary.

By studying a population of rats over ten generations, researchers came to the conclusion that there is such a thing as a genetic predisposition to laziness, at least among rodents.


Since this video somewhat shows a rodent doing pushups I decided I had to share it. No rodents were harmed during the making of this video and this is my favorite video.

Nolans Cheddard Cheese – Seriously Strong



This is something you often don’t heard about, snails?

Woman gets help moving out of apartment crawling with snails.” Ok to be honest the pictures aren’t that helpful but I’m  pretty sure they aren’t snails. Snails as far as I know have little shells on them. I would think more of a some type of  mold or plaster beetle larva or maybe slugs of some kind.

Ok so as always we go back to the basic premise of pest control, identification is the first step. This helps to decide the course of action leading to sanitation, physical removal and application of control measures.

My first recommendation is you have to stop the water or moisture from getting in, then I would suggest home-sealing to keep the bugs from getting in.


What are all those holes in my yard?

probestpest20140417_093245 There are a number of things that can dig up those yards. Out here in the Wild West we can have all sorts of critters digging up the yards. Wild pigs or Javelina use their noses to dig up roots, pocket gophers dig burrows and eat roots under the ground and numerous insects dig holes to bury other insects or arachnids as food for their young. By the way ignoring these holes may lead to bushes and trees dying or by being severely damaged.

So if you are getting holes or something damaging your yard it may well be the time to call in a Pest Management Professional or Wildlife Professional.


Birds and their damage.

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So you just noticed that birds or something is getting into your attic, well if you ignore it maybe it will just go away? Probably not, but even if you fix the problem that might not be the end of it. Birds, critters or even pests can cause other problems. The animals might have parasites and once you get rid of them the parasites might come down from the attic looking for food. That might be you!

So one of my suggestions would be to do periodic checks of your property, look up and down. Look for openings or rub marks (like the picture on the right), or for feces buildup on your home (left picture). My recommendation is to do monthly or at the very least quarterly checks of your property.

How is it possible to get water damage in Arizona?


Water damage is a concern across the U.S. whether you are in Florida or Arizona. I guess the only difference is the abundance of moisture. With humidity levsls at 99+% in Florida the chances are greater that you will have issues.  Anytime that wood gets wet and then dries, then gets wet and dries again you can expect some type of wood decay to take place. I often see this damage occurring at roof lines or at fireplace chimney areas.

Depending on where you live this wood damage may affect your termite inspection. So it is important to stop the water before it gets worse.

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