All posts in “ProBest”

Pigeon issues at your home?



probestpestDSC06740 Does your roof look like this?

Then you need a little help in clearing them off and away from your home. Hardly a house in this neighborhood had a single pigeon on it.


Don’t believe everything you read!


I know this is correct , cause  just week I read a report published by Abraham Lincoln on why he didn’t trust the internet. I think all of us play a hand in what is and isn’t truthful on the internet and I get called weekly where someone says I read the internet and blah, blah blah. I had a customer a year or so ago, tell me emphatically that Bed Bugs can jump out of a dumpsters. The only way that Bed Bug is getting out of that dumpster is if someone jumps in there and removes something. By the way that dumpster was in the direct sunlight and in the middle of the summer it would probably die within hours from our heat.

One more thing that just gets me, is when we jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. Remember that honeybee thing a year ago, was it cell towers or was it pesticides, or was it global warming? Well no one knew for sure but everyone with their own agendas were posting the blame everywhere. If the bee issue is caused by something, then we need to investigate quickly and stop the problem. I believe the E.U. stopped the use of neonicotinoids before all the data was in, but anyway I ran across an excellent article from Alan Caruba  “Another Environmental Lie Exposed: Bees are thriving.”

What do pesticides do? They protect us against trillions of insect and rodent pests that spread diseases while some represent millions in property damage—termites—every year.

So here is what I suggest, lets get the facts before we run off to damage an industry that contributes to Public Health and the betterment of our lives. Remember that mosquitoes continue to kill over a million people each year and rodents contaminate and damage grains and food.



Its weed season…


probestDSC06683  Russian Thistle

I’ll bet you didn’t know this is also called Tumbleweed, the stuff we occasionally see blowing by your car when its windy. Did you know that the reason it tumbles is to disperse its seeds? It also probably came to the U.S. in flax seed imported by Ukrainian farmers. Its almost iconic of the Southwest and often seen in movies blowing across the desert scenes like the beginning of the “Wizard of Oz”, if I remember correctly.

So if you are able to destroy it before it seeds, the better your landscape or that of your neighbors will be.

A little hiking tour in Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona.


I’m a bug guy so hiking with me is an adventure in looking at the little stuff, sometimes we tend to only look ahead but not me. I’m the guy that stops to investigate a lone ant probestpestDSC09679, or maybe something lurking behind a leaf like this Assassin Bug probestpestmanagementDSC09688. I also tend to investigate wood rot and fungus probestpestmanagementDSC09673 or something like this probestpestDSC09676.

So as you are out hiking don’t forget the small stuff.

Have you seen coyotes in your neighborhood?


The other day I rounded the entrance to my cul-de-sac and two coyotes ran out in front of my truck. This isn’t the first time that I’ve seen a coyote but is does concern me about the pets in the neighborhood. I live in the City of Phoenix, not in a rural section but a established community that has been there since the 1980’s. So why would there be coyotes in this section of the city? Coyotes thrive just about everywhere in the U.S., I think because it adapts and will eat almost anything.

Coyotes are most active at night and early morning, when there is little interaction with humans they may hunt throughout the day. I think they look cool and are similar in general appearance to a dog such as a collie. But remember they are wildlife not pets, do not feed them it will only cause more issues.

marya (emdot) from San Luis Obispo, USA

So what can you do to prevent them from frequenting your home or backyard, I’ve seen them jump gates over 6 foot high? Installing  higher fencing can help but adding this may not serve to prevent that ambitious or mischievous one from getting in. If you live on a farm or acreage with animals, you may have to get serious and install electric fencing or change the property. There are also noise machines, lighting and the use of a good size dog may be enough to scare them off.


Catching rats could be easier real soon, why you ask?


Op-Ed: Rats bigger than cows? Could be.” Evolution may be adjusting to fill areas and some species may go the way of the dinosaurs. I don’t think this will be happening right away, but think about the ramifications if rodents did become bigger. I might have to arm the technicians with rifles, no – not going to happen. I didn’t realize that the largest rodent was the size of a bull and weighed over 2000 pounds. Can you just imagine that?

Liberty Wildlife – Hummingbirds


Liberty Wildlife is committed to nurturing the nature of Arizona by providing quality wildlife rehabilitation, environmental education, and conservation services for the community.

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From time to time even the smallest need a helping hand, we assist Liberty with an ongoing rodent issue and fly control. How about making a donation to Liberty to help the cause.

Pest on the move, how do we stop them?


Think about this, how did Hawaii get any pests or wildlife? What are some key obstacles in bugs or wildlife getting to an island? Those ships that started stopping by Hawaii brought many of the pests that they see daily. The Hawaiian government is working hard to stop some recent newcomers including the Coffee Cherry Borer and Little Fire Ant. Is there a way to stop them, probably not but maybe we can slow the destruction.

Hawaii lawmakers weigh killing invasive insects.” This isn’t the first invasive critter to hit the shores of Hawaii, rodents and termites can be seen daily throughout the islands. The key is to stay ahead of the insect if possible, isolate and determine if quarantine can work.


I’m sure I’m checking out some bug.


Dr Bug a man a mission, spreading facts bugs/reptiles.

Dr Bug wants to thank Ms. Kelli and Mr. Mike and all the young adults for a great session at the Chandler Environmental Education Center. They came from the Extended Family Disability Services, LLC in Chandler, AZ and supplied me some pictures of our time together. I wanted to share these pictures, I had such a great time. Not everyone enjoyed the snakes but hopefully they learned something about the bugs and reptiles.

I made some new friends today and I hope we can get together again for some Bug Zoo type activities.

Everyone is welcome to stop by the office, we have all kinds of critters and from time to time we change things around. Typically snakes, bearded dragon and a spider but we change it up.

ProBest Pest Management 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, Arizona 85233 602-249-7378

Dr Bug

Dr Bug

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ProBest Pest Management wins a spot in “Top 50 Bug”

bug-award-150x150You know even when you consider that there are probably 15,000 pest companies in the USA, I consider just a mention quite the big event. So to be named right up there with this group is a very high honor. The first 10 are home seals are from Entomologists and if you have a chance check them out, I probably get to each one on a monthly basis. his pictures alone are fascinating and well worth a closer look. The rest of the 40 are from the Pest Control Industry and provide a wealth of great real facts versus what you might find on a search of the web. Some of my buddies are on the list “The Bug Doctor” from Florida and of course Invader Pest Management  – I’ve known Fred since I moved to Arizona in 1999.

Thanks to Organic Pest Control from NYC for giving ProBest Pest Management this award.

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