All posts in “ProBest”

Fleas and Plague.

Fleas and history. I love history and this is one I don’t want to see us repeat. 2/3 of Europe was extinguished in the blink of an eye and the Justinian Plague wiped out 1/2 of the known world at the time. It is often called the Black death as people would develop bubo or these black looking bumps on the skin, often in areas of the lymph nodes within our bodies. Humans usually contract the plague after being bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the bubonic plague bacterium or by handling an animal infected with plague, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To prevent the disease from spreading to humans, ADHS warns visitors and residents not to allow pets to roam freely, as well as treating them with flea-prevention medications; to avoid contact with sick or dead animals and to stay away from rodent burrows; to wear insect repellents to keep fleas away when hiking or working in areas where plague might be active; and to wear rubber gloves when skinning and cleaning game animals.

I also had no idea but there are about 2000 cases of bubonic plague reported yearly. Scary!

Animals, such as rodents, squirrels, pack rats, prairie dogs, mice, chipmunks, voles, and rabbits can be affected by plague. Wild carnivores can become infected by eating other infected animals. Symptoms may include fever, chills, weakness and muscle pain. I’ve heard of cases in the 4 Corner region of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico but New York City rats have also been tested in the past with no reports yet of the bacterium. Did you know that they believe there are over 8 million rats in NYC, wow.

Dr. Bug suggest the best way to protect ourselves from these potential infections is to keep the rat population under control. Removing food, water and  shelter are key to eliminating rodent infestations. Keep them out, if you see one there are probably more. Fix holes and prevent access and door guards are essential.

Fleas Photo by Univar

fleas Photo by Univar


To spray or not to spray the plane?


Several years ago, I also was on a flight which was sprayed and honestly I was amazed. I work in the industry that obviously sprays but I don’t and haven’t recommended spraying inside unless the bug is something that was carried in like cockroaches or stored product pests. I think it was Figi and we had just landed when the flight attendant came through the cabin spraying as she walked. I did of course check the can and it was a Permethrin aerosol. The reason they do this is to keep out foreign or invasive pests. I guess one mosquito could cause a lot of trouble and why not nip it in the bud right there on the plane.

In flight spray bugs traveller.” – This week we have seen the stories about lawsuits and this isn’t one, she just wants people to realize that this happens. I have to agree, if the people were notified in advance they could at the very least put a handkerchief over their nose and mouth.

This is her quote: Cohen said she doesn’t want a refund. “I just want people to know before they travel that it may not be so much fun in the sun, especially if you’re sensitive.”

So take care if traveling, ask questions about spraying or ask about pests in general and maybe your trip will go off without a hitch. By the way I also applaud those countries not wanting to import pests like these into their countries.

IMG_20120901_182441I think I took this picture at the Logan Steakhouse (cool artwork), get out and travel.


What the hell is wrong with people?


So just the other day I wrote about frivolous lawsuits and this story is another of the absolute “what the hell is wrong with people stories” maybe with people going to hell for their acts? In my business we often have to dispatch things, the methods used are not always the nicest but I also don’t get a thrill out of just killing things. If given the chance I would rather move the critter to another location, we move snakes and critters, its not always their fault that they thought your home was a nice tree.

This FaceBook thing also has gotten out of hand, people are posting things that I really don’t want to see. My postings are relative to what I do and I don’t want to see some girl standing at a river throwing puppies in, I think God will get her back for that (Karma) sending her to Hell. “Chicago man tortured, killed rodents, posted the videos to Youtube.”

So again I ask, lets think before we post – the key word here is THINK please. I do realize that I may be somewhat hypothetical, I do kill things but I’m also not showing pictures of my work. I did an article awhile back on hunting and trapping – “Wildlife trapping” and I truly believe hunting and trapping is better for the animals then dieing a slow death from hunger or over population. But torture for torture sake of any living thing is wrong, again my opinion.

Hell Photo by Univar

Photo by Univar

Tort Reform?

Tort Reform

Tort reform? I think all of us remember that now famous issue with the very HOT coffee incident years ago, but a little information just as a reminder. A lady ordered coffee at a fast food restaurant and put if between her legs and it spilled or the cup broke anyway HOT coffee in her lap.

First off – Don’t put hot coffee between your legs, I would think that goes without saying! But apparently not. Well here is another one of those stories.

Lawsuit: Bedbugs cost H-F Coach her Dreadlocks.”       So anyway here is my take on this issue.

  1. Bed Bugs DON’T live on humans. Lice do but not Bed Bugs.
  2. It sounds like the hotel, responded to the complaint next door and it sounds like they inspected adjacent rooms. Good Job. (I’m only reading a report of the incident, I wasn’t there.)
  3. With all the talk of Bed Bugs everyone should be aware of these little bugs.
  4. I’ve mentioned this before, Don’t Panic – don’t throw away mattresses and I see no reason to cut your hair. I know the creep factor is involved but come on, let’s not go overboard. $50,000 lawsuit see this is why we need Tort Reform. (my opinion)

I gave a talk years ago on Exceptional Customer Service – Do you know why all those items we use daily have warnings on them? Superman costume – not equipped to actually fly, lawnmower – do not place hands under mower when mower is operating, its because someone did it? I do realize we all do some dumb stuff but shouldn’t we really take responsibility for our own actions? So what do you think?


Study on Bed Bugs, BBC News.


Catching the Mother of all Bed Bugs” by Sean Coughlan BBC news correspondent.

Genetic analysis has shown that a single pregnant bed bug that escapes detection can be responsible for an entire infestation, rapidly producing generations of offspring.

This may explain the ongoing issues with Bed Bugs, this story came from London. I’ve heard that the use of baits and not spraying may have lead to the rebound of those little biters. Maybe the widespread travel, they can be on one side of the world and tomorrow on our doorstep. So please take care and keep those critters out of your life.

A few tips:

  1. All Things Bed Bugs.
  2. 10 Tips (NPMA) to protect yourself.
  3. Bed Bug registry.
  4. ProBest Pest Management Bed Bug page.
12_Bed Bug Nymphs

Bed Bug Nymphs photo by PPMA


Marijuana & rodents eating evidence

Marijuana, what a story?

This story comes to you from India, where the police had a little issue with some stealing. The rats or so they say, absconded with the seized drugs. “Rodents ’empty’ cannibis stored in Bargi Police Station“, I guess not even the Judge was amused as he let the alleged suspects go free. You go to all that trouble to track down the smugglers and the rats eat the evidence.



The picture above is from rats bringing cactus into a bait station, I didn’t have any pictures of marijuana – sorry. Rats and mice are able to enter buildings by any hole between a dime and quarter size, they will also eat almost anything. So as I always say, home seal and prevention = IPM Integrated Pest Management. Prevent them from getting in and no worries.

What can you do to prevent rodents?

Check your yard and home monthly for bugs and rodents. Keep food out of their reach, pick up fruit that has fallen to the ground. Keep your yard clean, trim bushes from next to your home. Don’t keep stuff in your yard, rats will next in anything that might be stored. If you store firewood keep it high, dry and away from the house. Keep water from collecting in the yard or any containers, they need water just like we do. If you have a shed, keep things rat-proof stored and on shelves and of course check things often.

If you see rat bait stations in your neighborhood, check things out. If there is one rat there are probably more. If your going to clean sheds wear a mask and follow the recommendations from the CDC.  Don’t just sweep up dust without checking for droppings. If you notice something strange, investigate it or call in a Pest Management Professional such as ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


What is an Occasional invader?

Occasional invaders are critters that enter structures because outside conditions become hostile to their survival maybe because its too wet or dry.

  • Earwigs
  • Boxelder bugs
  • Crickets
  • Millipedes
  • Mites
  • Pillbugs/Sowbugs
  • Springtails
  • Caterpillars
  • numerous others

Are bed bugs continuing to be a big problem?



Bed Bugs are continuing their rise to a real pest in the U.S. and according to Orkin it doesn’t look like they are slowing down. Orkin has been keeping track of bed bugs calls within their company and provide data to keep officials and the public informed. “Chicago tops bed bug cities list for second year in a row“.

Phoenix is up seven from 35 to 28, so here are a few tips from me to keep you informed as well.

  1. Just be aware of the issue, don’t panic. Many people are bitten by various bugs like mites, mosquitoes and think they have bed bugs. If you are being bitten isolate the area (by that I mean the area in the home) see what you can see. Check beds for fecal spotting (when bed bugs bite they eject old blood feces etc), if you see something moving catch it and keep it handy for an expert.
  2. If you travel take precautions, I hand my clothes from the shower rod and put my luggage on the bathroom vanity and that is where it stays. Check the bed and close furniture and if you see something inform management and move to another room.
  3. Remember bed bugs just don’t hang out on beds.
  4. When returning home, unpack in garage or outside and check luggage. Wash everything and high heat, wrap luggage in black garbage bag and if you’re AZ put it in sun especially during summer 113 – 120 degrees in ideal to bake them.
  5. Keep an eye out if you have guests or frequent visitors, they can travel in backpacks.
  6. I’ll repeat “Don’t Panic!” call a Pest Management Professional, as I think this is not a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) program.


How important is a clean house or restauarant to keeping out the pests?


After much research here it is – it appears this quote may have come from Rabbi Ben Yair (Hebrew Proverb) (2nd Century) and appears this way in text  –

The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness  into absemiousness into cleaniness ; cleaniness into godliness. (spellcheck went crazy over these words….)

So not from the Bible or your Mother, but I’m going to say it should be right up as if it came from either. I’m not saying that if your home is perfectly clean you will never seen bugs. Ants can trail in looking for food and move right on along unless they encounter something.  Moisture is probably another much bigger factor, cockroaches can go months without food but seldom a week without water. A speck of food could be a whole meal for a roach. I think the bigger issue – harborage areas for them to hide in. The more cracks and crevices = more availability to hide and stay hidden.

The BIG picture the cleaner the home or restaurant the less chances of hidden pests.

24_German Cockroach on Sink

Photo by PPMA


“The doctrines of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into vigorousness; vigorousness into abstemiousness into cleanliness; cleanliness into godliness.” As you can see, in the quote, ‘cleanliness’ is literally next to ‘godliness.‘ – See more at:
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