All posts in “ProBest”

What’s in your meter box or sprinkle system box?


Cockroaches, spiders, snakes – yep I’ve seen all of the stuff listed.



Does your pest control operator/technician treat your meter boxes, they should. I frequently see all kinds of bugs in these boxes and it may be just a matter of time before someone sticks their hand into the box and gets a nasty bite or sting. Special note – I sometimes will find honeybees deciding to make that box a h0me. Maybe big enough now but they will eventaully move but not before stinging or hurting someone. Bee Careful…

Scorpion versus Tarantula





This place is touted as a Dive Bar, I may have to check it out merely because of the title of the marquee. Not sure what is going on.

Rips Bar is a historic part of Phoenix Arizona’s past and future. One of the few “old school” establishments that is still standing even during this time of renewal in Phoenix.

Wait, don’t do it – read that pesticide label before you use it!


If the label calls for 1 ounce – 2 has got to be better. If the label says to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – ohhhh wait you didn’t read the label! The time to understand or know the label is before you have an emergency.

How many of us, used a pesticide and never read the label. I’m ready to bet, a whole lot of us.

Here are some statistics on where pesticides fit into 2012 poisonings:

Poisonstats     poisonstats2

If your allergic, it might only take one sting to kill you.


This story from Texas is sad, but it gives us insight into the fact that just one sting from an insect could kill you. “Texas student dies after allergic reaction reportedly caused by ants on football field“.

Just one sting from a honeybee or wasp can kill some people, it is more rare for Fire Ants to kill someone. However the Red Imported Fire Ant continues its move across the U.S. Here is some information from the University of Florida – IFAS office on Red Imported Fire Ants.


What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Cockroaches are known to carry such diseases as polio, typhoid, gastroenteritis and hepatitis.

Africanized bees live in colonies with as many as 80,000 other bees; they are quick to get excited and attack in great swarms.

A scorpion can have up to 12 eyes.

Ladybugs aren’t really bugs at all, they’re beetles!

Insects are cold blooded and do not have lungs.


It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? South Mountain, Phoenix, AZ

South Mountain, Phoenix, AZ

At more than 16,000 acres, South Mountain Park/Preserve is the largest municipal park in the country, according to the Trust for Public Land. It boasts 51 miles of primary trails for horseback riding, hiking and mountain biking for all ability levels. The history of South Mountain Park/Preserve as a city park dates back to 1924. Prominent local citizens, with the help of Sen. Carl Hayden, bought 13,000 acres from the federal government for $17,000. In 1935 the National Park Service developed a master plan for the park with riding and hiking trails, picnic areas and overlooks, all in rustic regional character. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) built many of the facilities in the park, based on this master plan.

One of my favorite things to do when I have guests coming into town is to pick them up from Sky Harbor airport and have lunch at the top of South Mountain. Lizards a plenty and sometimes tarantula’s and if your really lucky maybe some wildlife including ground squirrels.

My Top 5 non-bug home seals

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I’ll bet you probably only thought that I read bug home seals, but no and here are my Top 5.

  1. Poison Control –
  2. Centers for Disease Control – http://home
  3. Frugal Dad Blog –
  4. American Legion Post 107 –
  5. Successful Blogger – http://www.successful-home

Is your grass looking brown and patchy? Maybe grubs?




Photo courtesy of Bryan F.

Grubs: Although each has its own characteristics, grubs have stout, grayish to white C shaped bodies with brown heads, ranging in size from 3/8 to 1 inch long. Green June beetle grubs, which do not have well-developed legs and when exposed  they will usually will be lying on their sides in a C-shaped position. *Another reason to have rocks has a yard, nobody eating my rocks. If you have ever been to Arizona you know we don’t have a ton of turf or grass here, except the Golf Courses.

Did you know that bugs have evolution on their side?

Today I was listening to NPR and Diane Rehm’s show on antibiotics “New efforts to curb the overuse of antibiotics in animals and people” and also ran into this article Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria on the Rise. It got me to thinking about how bugs have been around for a very long time probably older than 250 million years and their use of antibiotics. “Termites develop their own antibiotics”.

“Termites cause $40 billion in damage every year, worldwide, and researchers say the insects have developed an ingenious defense against pesticide: They make antibacterial nests out of their own poo.”

The article above goes into length about Formosan termites, located in Louisiana and surrounding areas with plenty of water. This abundance of water allows termites a greater chance to do damage and survive and puts the East Coast of the US in that very heavy chance of termites and damage. In Arizona this lack of water helps to keep the termites in check and limit extensive damage (I have seen some pretty bad damage but in general not often). This is the reason why Arizona is in that heavy infestation and also why the termite activity gains momentum during monsoon.






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