All posts in “ProBest”

New pesticide label to strengthen pollinators.


Many types of plants, including fruit and vegetable crops, depend on animals for pollination. Although honey bees are often first thought of as pollinators, many other types of animals pollinate crops and wildflowers, including wild bees, ants, beetles, wasps, lizards, birds, and bats. The EPA is concerned about declines in pollinator health, and is working to protect bees and other pollinators from pesticide risks through regulatory actions, voluntary changes to pesticide use by registrants and research programs aimed at increasing the understanding of factors associated with declining pollinator health.

ProBest Pest Management and the National Pest Management Association are continuing to watch as this story developes.

Detective ProBest, what does it take to be smarter than the bugs?


I often get calls that appear to need a lot of detective work. Here are the facts

  1. Large single story building.
  2. Some type of bugs on employees desk when they come into work.
  3. Several desk involved.

additional clues on my arrival

  1. All desk involved are under one a/c duct-work, there are several runs of the a/c duct-work.
  2. There are multiple water sources outside – water features.
  3. These bugs are very small.
  4. A/C guys there the day before.

my observations

  1. Number of insects before the A/C guy arrived – probably 10 to 20 per night, with the A/C inspection many less.
  2. A/C guy found filters clogged and extremely dirty on roof.
  3. A/C guy also found that the unit wasn’t sealed tight enough, he adjusted the cover and it is now sealed.

my remedy

  1. Very small flying insect (fly, midge or gnat) see picture.
  2. Since the number has reduced, I believe the A/C guy solved the problem.
  3. No treatment necessary, keep eye on issue and continue to install new filters.

It’s not always about making money, it’s about doing the right thing.

“Honesty shouldn’t be the best policy, it should be the only policy”.

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Floating slab pics



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It is essential for a termite treater to understand and know what slab they are treating. Floating slabs are concrete slabs with a deepened and reinforced perimeter. This type of foundation is called a floating slab because it floats on the soil. They are used as foundations for home, businesses, sheds, car garages, additions etc.

Post tension slabs give the best protection from my point of view, cables are run throughout concrete and tightened up. Concrete is less likely to crack and allow termites to enter.

A very unusual email, time to call in the military.


—– Forwarded message —–
Subject: unusual pods
Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2013 5:13 pm


My wife Becky and I have discovered some strange pods out in the garden. They were big…about the size of a toddler, resembling bundles of wrapped, dark-green leaves. We didn’t plant them, so we figured they must be some sort of weed. I have found that they can be destroyed with either a pitchfork or a garden hoe. 
Some beautiful pink flowers blossomed on one of them. Our friend Elizabeth brought some of the flowers to her house.
A while later I went out there and one of the pods had opened, revealing something that looked like a human! It had some adult features but It has no details, no character … It’s unformed. It lacked distinguishing characteristics and even bore a slight resemblance to me. Creepy! I got scared and went to Elizabeth’s house and found the same thing happening at her place, where the pod by that time had formed into something that was nearly her exact double. When I got back to my place, my pod person was gone.
The police have been no help, so I’m turning to Pro Best. Everyone says you’re pros, and you’re the best! We trust you to help with these creatures, in their invasion into our back yard and into our lives. Thank you, Pro Best for your quick reply!

—Scott L


Wasn’t this a movie, I think I recall “Invasion of the Body SnatchersA small-town doctor learns that the population of his community is being replaced by emotionless alien duplicates.” Taken from International Movie dataBase.

New research on Phobia’s


It appears that after therapy who can take a nap and wake up less afraid of whatever. “Afraid of Spiders? Try sleeping on it.” I may need something like this, I really don’t like spiders, at all.

This technique is usually very effective – and extremely speedy, with often just a few short sessions needed to see off the phobia. But it doesn’t work perfectly for everyone. The answer for this minority of phobia patients, it seems, may be surprisingly simple: schedule a nap immediately after the therapy session.

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My favorite bug is on the prowl – Assassin Bug


While teaching at the Chandler Environmental Education Center one of the parents asked me what this bug was? Why of course it’s my buddy the Assassin Bug. I really love the look and often times checkered pattern of this insect.

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They prefer to attack animals such as cattle and horses but if they get trapped in your home they will bite whatever they can. So keep those doors closed and those screens repaired. Stay safe and check your homes frequently.

Science discoveries continue


Fire ant venom as a Fungicide

In their experiments, the researchers used sophisticated extraction techniques to obtain purified amounts of piperdeine and piperidine from the venom glands of both red and black imported fire ants.

In this case they are testing the venom, several ant species use different techniques to tend gardens of fungi so I wonder how this would work?

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See I told you this was going to happen!


This whole mess with the economy continues to add woe after woe to those you can’t or won’t follow good rules. Now if you can’t afford it then the City has to do something (remember when they cut the ranks of sanitation workers), don’t get me wrong if money is tight you have to cut things. Can’t cut Police or the Fire Departments, or the water department – well you get the picture.

An Eyesore Like No Other In Bronx: Tree Grows Through Dilapidated Home


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