All posts in “problem”

The problem didn’t occur in a day, the solution can’t happen in 1 day either?

I know, I know you hate rodents or bugs and you want them out of your home or business today. The problem is, it isn’t going to happen! Those bugs or rodents had some time to reproduce and gain numbers. In the same way the Pest Management Professional is going to need some time to eradicate the problem. So let’s look at a few issues:

German Cockroaches – You bring in one box from a grocery store and one lone female sneaks into your kitchen. Oh and guess what? She is pregnant and in just a few days she releases an egg case, 30 little baby cockroaches and all ready to make babies in 100 days. A German Cockroach and her babies can produce 300,000+ roaches in a year.

Mice – a pair of mice can produce more than 300 offspring.

Rats – a pair of rats may produce 1,500 to 2,000 babies.


If the pest infestation goes unchecked, you might be dealing with 1000’s and no matter what it is going to take some time, period. I truly understand the concern and we will work as hard as ever to get that population down quickly, but don’t expect it tomorrow.

Problem or solution

Problem or solution

How do you know the problem is huge – when the cockroaches are everywhere?

The very minute you walk into the home, you know there are issues. How does the bug guy know? Let me share my observations:

  1. The cockroaches are in the door hinges or above the entry door into the home.
  2. The cockroaches are in the bedrooms.
  3. The cockroaches are in the living or dining rooms.
  4. The home has a distinct odor. Once you have been in a home with a severe cockroach problem you never forget that smell. The same applies to Bed Bugs and sometimes rats or rodents.

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Did you know that a  smell can bring on a flood of memories, influence people’s moods and even affect their work performance. Maybe walking into a house where someone is baking cookies and you instantly recall your Grandmother in the kitchen or if your a pest operator walking into a place where the roaches far outnumber any other living things. Gives you the heebie jeebies right?

Tell me your instant recall of a smell you have encountered, maybe I’ll share a few more.

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