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Ants inside or outside

Ants can be a real pain in the tush, they seem to show up at the weirdest or most wacky of times. Most of the time when inside, they can be eliminated by using a bait such as TerroPco. Did you know that the Maricopa Havester ant sting is considered the most venomous of all insects. I think they don’t get a lot of publicity because they seldom sting. You may notice them by their large area that is void of debris or vegetation.

The key to keeping them out of your house is cleanliness.  If  they come inside use a bait to get to the Queen ant.


Ant Invasion

The ants go marching one by one, remember the old saying?

How many times have you sprayed something on the ants and they just coming back? It’s not about killing the ones you see, it’s about killing the Queen. You can spray until your fingers go numb, but I’ve got the secret – oh and that’s why you pay me to come to your house for the ants and other bugs. OK just kidding, but you really have to know the bug in order to have the right ammunition to annihilate them. You must get something to the Queen and take her out.  Call ProBest Pest Management and we can solve those ant issues 602-249-7378



[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJmNDfAEu_s[/embedyt]

How much termite pressure is on your home?


Photo by FMC

So just how much pressure is on your home, that question is important and many factors play into this equation.

  1. If you live on the East Coast or Gulf of Mexico the pressure will be greater than if you lived up North. Yes you do have termites in the North but because of he extreme cold the pressure will be reduced.
  2. Water plays a big part of the pressure round your home. When people started to settle in Arizona they brought in non-native plants which required more watering. Flood and drip irrigation = humidity level goes up.
  3. We sometimes play right into the termites hand by building structures right where they live in the ground. We also allow wood to touch the ground, this really makes it easier on the termites.
  4. If you add onto your home insist on a pretreat, even if your build a shed pretreat the soil before the concrete slab goes into place.

The bees are coming! How do I know?

The bees are coming! How do I know?

bee swarm

The weather has warmed up and we had a great deal of rain, that is going to equal a lot of bug. With the temperatures today in the high 80’s you can bet the Africanized Honeybee’s who swarm more often anyway are all ready making brood to divide the colony.

The hive mind decides on the event and all of a sudden the colony is at it’s maximun and they swarm. One-half or so of the colony depart in a frenzy, they may alight on a branch and then send scouts out to find a new home. Once located the Queen will check it out and if she is happy they will move into their new home.

Here are a few facts about the swarm:

  • The bees will have taken on additional honey, typically they are more docile when full. But they might still sting, just less likely to become agitated unless they are defending their home. Swarm tend to be more docile!
  • The old Queen moves with the new swarm, she is fertile and more likely to succeed in a new build. The honeycomb is difficult work, so the stress on the entire colony is BIG.
  • The new Queen probably not yet fertile, she will take a mating flight after the swarm leaves. It is possible for her to become a free lunch for a bird or other insect, if she fails to return the old hive still has the ability to create a Queen from previous eggs.
  • Africanized honeybees swarm up to 10x more then European Honeybees.
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