All posts in “shower”

Shower Pan

The Shower pan is technically that device which keeps the water from going everywhere. The bathtrap area is the area in the picture with the pipes letting the water go to the plumbing and out of the house.

Now visualize the termite people coming out to spray under the slab before its poured. That show box size area is higher with dirt and when the plumbers come in to finish they take away dirt. They also take away any trace of liquid termiticide and therefore = termites.

See the termite tube in the right side of the hole, that is how all the damage occurred. Inspect, investigate and then solve the problem. In this case impossible to see the shower pan so a surprise happens. Call ProBest for an inspection today 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Termites AZ?

Consider checking for termites in obscure places?

Well it’s that time of year again, monsoon and we know what that brings? Yep, its the termites and the bugs and they’re back. This was found in a bath-trap area under a bathtub. You really have to think about and I often say you have to think like a termite. All they want is food, a good place to hang-out and water – hey that sounds like me. In this case we found them in a door frame and it didn’t look like they were coming in from the outside foundation. With just a little investigation we located them under the bath-tub in the bath-trap and as I mentioned you have to really think like them.


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Below, another tube coming from an interior door way – probably a crack under carpet.


Happy Labor Day

Termites and your toilet – Ohhh what a crappy problem

Any toilet or pipe penetration in the slab will do

Toilet pipes lead the way in. Pardon the pun. Any penetration in your concrete slab allows that tiny chance that the termites may make their way into your home. Typically not usual but it does happen. This goes for any crack in the slab, have you noticed tile or carpet buckling, it may be a crack. If you replace carpet or linoleum and you see a crack have it treated before putting down new tile. I hate to see drill holes when it was preventable. So if you see something like this, give ProBest Pest Management a call at 480-831-9328.

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How do termites get into home?

Any break or protrusion into the structure can be an avenue for termites, so any pipe or other object that extends past the concrete can be their entrance.

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This was an easy entrance for the termites and once in they usually don’t leave without taking a bit of your home for food. So what do you look for:

  1. Any mud tube/tunnel on the outside foundation wall.
  2. Any suspicious dirt on the ceiling, small hole with dirt around it.
  3. Drop Tubes inside the homes.
  4. Baseboard that looks crinkled, subterranean termites usually run with the grain of the wood.

How do those scorpions get into your home?

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One of my favorite calls relates to how scorpions get into bathrooms or showers. People tell me they come up drains and that is incorrect. Arizona Bark Scorpions enter your home by crawling up stucco and gaining access into your attic. They then crawl around and under the insulation and finally they come to a recess light or something that was cut through the ceiling drywall. See all those cracks and if your home isn’t sealed well enough they will fall right into your house. Sometimes there are lights or fans right above the bath or shower and they just fall in. So here is my advice, pull down the plate that covers these holes and caulk the hole. This should be done on the top floor ceiling or if you live in a single story house the ceiling. On our website is a list of things we attempt to seal when we perform a Home-Sealing.

WOW, what’s up with all the rain?



I visit a website and it is amazing at what you can find. Notice this little rainfall day we had in Arizona on November 22, 2013 – notice 2.70 inches at the 101 and Thunderbird Road area. Click on the map and see if you can find this area.


Termites and bugs in general all need water, but termites in Arizona become active after rainfall activity. The other reason for sharing this information is that this website is good for every area in the U.S. Another reason to use this site, is after a treatment for scorpions and you can judge effectiveness of the pesticide you are using.

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