All posts in “SouthWest”

Termite tubes and tunnels

Building termite tubes and tunnels is hard work, but the termites do it 24/7/365 and I’m pretty sure not going to give it up soon. It really doesn’t matter what type of wall you have concrete, block or stone. They will work their way around electrical pipes or plumbing entry ways. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals of getting food.

termite tubes

termite tubes

How about some termite facts?

  • Oldest insects on Earth.
  • Scientists believe that for every human on Earth there are 1000 lbs of termites.
  • A queen termite may lay 2000 or more eggs per day, some African Termite Queens may lay 30,0000.
  • Some Termite Queens may live 15-25 years.
  • Termites are more closely related to cockroaches than ants.
  • Termites build the largest actual nest than any other insect.
  • Ants are the termites biggest foes.
  • They believe that termites cause $5 billion worth of damage in the U.S. each year.
  • Ants have a narrow waist, but the termite is a solid type.
  • Ants have elbowed antenna while termites is straight.
  • In Arizona we have about 17 species of termites, not all cause problems.
  • Did you know that termites swarm, they send reproductives out to start new colonies. In Florida, East Coast it occurs during the early Spring while in Arizona it happens just after Monsoon in September – October or so.

Brown Widow spider activity in the Valley


Brown Widow Spider

Brown Widow Spider







Brown Widow Spider and this was a picture from my own neighborhood, thanks Monica. Sometimes difficult to tell, but you can see some strange markings including that little hourglass. The colorings are different than that of Black Widow spiders, the color of the hourglass can be yellow or even orange and they may also have spots on their top sides. The one thing to note is that the egg sacks are spiky while those of the Black Widow are basically just round shaped.

Always take care working around you home, wear gloves and if bitten call Poison Control 1-800-222-1222


spider markings

Brown Widow Spider

Brown Widow


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