All posts in “subterranean termites”

Termites can pop up in the weirdest places.

Termites can pop up in the weirdest places.



With termites you never know where they will show up, I have seen them in bathrooms and garages. Really almost anywhere in the home, they are not real peculiar in where they show up.

Any crack or intrusion within that concrete slab allows them access. Given that crack – they will find it.

Technology continues to advance with new and unique termiticides, Termidor, Transport and Altriset.

“Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!”

You really have to be on the game with termite control, part 2

You really have to be on the game with termite control, part 2


Two different termite inspections this week and did they put me to the test.




Warehouse, we did locate Subterranean termites on the ceiling but about 25 feet away from this location. The difficult part was that there were walking planks everywhere and didn’t always allow for a great inspection. I found these tubes near a bathroom, so I’m pretty sure they are either coming a crack or the bath-trap to the sink. The inspection process is what really matters and you must be on your A game everyday……..

You really have to be on the game with termite control, part 1

You really have to be on the game with termite control, part 1


Two different termite inspections this week and did they put me to the test.

Normally my first guess is that we are dealing with Drywood termites, usually Drywood’s are brown in color but I’m glad I dug deeper into this swarm. Just to set the record straight we don’t encounter swarming termites like they do the east coast, I ran into one a few years back in Mesa so that is 2 in 7 years. These little termites also made a swarm at around 4 pm to 7 pm and generally speaking – Subterranean termites 11 am – 2 pm and Drywood’s 4 pm – 7pm and I’ll mention Formosan termites from 11 pm to midnight (give or take). So the clues are building, these termites swarmed from a vent in the laundry room, I checked the attic but nothing visible and then after cleaning and taking a few samples I had that ah ha moment. At the very corner of the laundry room behind the washer I thought I noticed some peeling of the baseboard. I pulled out the washer and started to dig and I found the termites and guess what – they were subterranean termites not Drywood’s. So you can’t judge a termite by it’s color…..

Termite Season is here in Arizona – what do you look for?

Termite Season is here in Arizona – what do you look for?

Well the rains of monsoon have begun along with the huge walls of haboob dust storms, so that means its time for the bugs to come out in force.

So exactly what do you look for:

1. Mud tunnels or tubes on your foundation walls –

2. Maybe you haven’t seen any tunnels or tubes outside but you notice something coming down from the ceiling.

3. It is unusual but I have seen it – but termites do swarm! So maybe you have seen a few flying things – what is the difference between an ant and termite?

Have you seen these? Termite tunnels or tubes.

Have you seen these? Termite tunnels or tubes.

So you’re walking around your home and you look down and see this thing made out of mud or dirt, what is it? These are subterranean mud shelter tubes or tunnels. It’s the super highway for termites, it protects them from air, sunlight and predators. Here is Arizona we have another termite (Gnathamitermes) and this subterranean termite often plasters fences, tree trucks and cactus.


Gotta love those Arizona termites…..

Gotta love those Arizona termites…..

Look at those Subterranean termite tubes under that crawlspace, (Seth took these pictures) at some places over an inch in width. Our termites here in Arizona aren’t as aggressive as the Eastern subs on the East Coast but under a manufactured home – it’s very important to have yearly inspections. The damage to the wooden floor can be significant and potentially dangerous.

Call a Pest Management Professional for a termite inspection, today!

Termite activity and they will make their way through just about anything!

Termite activity and they will make their way through just about anything!

Termite issues and Post Tension slabs. The main thing to know is you cannot drill or cut into the floor without great risk, these cables are under extreme tension and could hurt someone. The great thing is that the termites can generally only come in from the exterior edge of the slab, with exceptions. The pictures at the top indicate a crack which allowed the termites to gain entry and this is rare.   

termiteThis was some padding put under a wooden floor in the home, the weirdest thing was that this was a Post Tension slab.



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