All posts in “Thanksgiving”

Are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

First off – Happy Thanksgiving!


Over the roads and through the woods, oh wait that is Christmas but if you are traveling please plan ahead for unwanted pests.

  1. Are you spending the night out, are you visiting friends or staying at a motel. Bedbugs can and do travel. The National Pest Management Association “Reminds travelers to pack bed bug prevention tips” you don’t want or need these pests at your home.
  2. Visit the site (All things BedBugs).
  3. At the first sign of any pests seek out a Pest Management Professional and your Holidays should be pest free.

Happy Thanksgiving.


What are you thankful for, health, family, friends or maybe a bug free home? So what are the origins of Thanksgiving? It has been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, then President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving”. The thing most of us relate to, the first Thanksgiving was after harvest and was just a way of giving thanks for the plentiful crops.


Wishing all my readers a bug free and very Happy Thanksgiving!



Happy Thanksgiving

From ProBest Pest Management to all of our friends across the USA – wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh and of course watch out for the bugs…..

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