All posts in “vehicle”

I can see this happening, can you?

So you’re driving and something catches you off guard. You think or thought you saw something scurry across your vision. What was it, oh my gosh was it a spider, bee or a cockroach. This story out of New Zealand.


Officer, the cockroach caused the crash.”

Don’t panic, drive or slow down and then get out. OK then you can panic….

Cockroach image by PPMA

Cockroach image by PPMA

Do you have pet peeves, I do?




As a business owner I’m reminded frequently of customer service and the opportunity to lose or gain a customer.  So here are a few questions I ask myself daily about service.

Does your technician have a clean uniform?

Is the vehicle clean?

If there was an appointment was he/she on time? Many times we perform outside only services this helps you to free up your time.

Does your technician ring the doorbell to let you know they are there? Do they ask if you’ve had any issues? Do they let you know they are done?


My favorite quote on customer service – If you don’t take of your customer someone else will.  Do you have any horror stories about service companies?


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