All posts in “veterans”

May is Hepatitis Awareness Month and May 19th is Hepatitis Testing Day.

May is Hepatitis Awareness Month and May 19th is Hepatitis Testing Day.

Hepatitis C (hep C) is a significant health concern for our nation’s veterans. Our proud men and women have done their part to ensure our safety, it is time we do ours and make sure they know the risks and symptoms of hep C. During Hepatitis Awareness Month (May) let’s make sure veterans are tested for hep C antibodies. Consequently we want them to know the importance of talking to their doctor.

Here are the facts:

  • First of all: Several studies suggest veterans may be at greater risk for hep C than non-veterans and as a result,
  • In 2013, over five percent of the 3.1 million veterans enrolled in the care of the Veterans Health Administration who had at least one outpatient visit and an informative hep C test result were infected with hep C.
  • Up to 75 percent of people with chronic hep C in the United States do not know they have it.
  • Approximately 70-80 percent experience no symptoms following infection.
  • Hep C is curable – which means the hep C virus is not detectable in the blood months after treatment ends.

Where can a veteran learn more and get tested for hep C antibodies?

  • A doctor can administer the test and talk about confirmatory testing for those who test positive for hep C antibodies. It is important that the veteran ask specifically to get tested for hep C antibodies.
  • Since Veterans may be eligible for free hep C antibody testing through the VA. The VA also has a tremendous amount of information available about hep C.

What can you do?

  1. Most of all: You can join our campaign and ensure that veterans get the message.
  2. Share this URL and encourage others to participate by telling a veteran about hep C.
  3. Watch and “like” as everyone’s messages are blasted out simultaneously.
  4. Follow The American Legion on Facebook and Twitter and visit to learn more about The American Legion’s health care initiatives.
  5. If you are a veteran – make an appointment to get tested for hep C antibodies the next time you see your doctor!

Most noteworthy information can be shared directly from


The American Legion

Thanks to our Veterans

A BIG SHOUT OUT to our Veterans and Military. I want to personally thank you for your service to our great nation. Also yesterday marked the 239 Anniversary of the Marines.


141031-M-YH418-014.JPG Photo By: Cpl. Todd Michalek – Thank you

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