All posts in “Zika”

Mosquito question?


So when is the best time to kill a mosquito, is it when they are an egg, larva, pupa or adult? Well the clue is right above, the best time is when they are in the water as larva or pupa. The worst time is when they are when the adults are flying all over the place, then you have to track them down when they are in mode of biting. While they are in the water they are virtually captive within that body of water, we are talking about free standing no movement water. If the water is moving such as a fountain or stream, then the larva or pupa can’t breath – the constant wave action hinders their breathing tubes from functioning.

I prefer the mosquito dunks, bacillus thuringiensis. Can be placed in stagnate or non-moving water with ho harm to other animals. Can be used in known water areas and begin to work when water accumulates. Can be used in flower pots, tree holes, bird baths, roof gutters, rain barrels and many other spots that may hold water.

Now don’t be confused when you see those giant mosquito looking things, those are really Crane Flies. Crane Flies are found throughout the world and the adults have a lifespan of 10-15 days. So just as you are about to call they will be gone.

Mosquito versus Crane Fly

Mosquito versus Crane Fly

Mosquito habitat in your yard?

Is your yard the mosquito habitat and with all the debate going on about Zika virus,  maybe we need to figure out where they are breeding? I have seen beer bottles with an inch of water holding up to 25 wiggler mosquitoes, so anything with standing water tends to be the culprit. Check your property first, then start to spy other areas that me well be the cause. There are different species and they do different things. One mosquito will travel 1 mile for food, while another likes to stay close and feed. What time do they tend to bite, all these little things helps the Pest Management Professional to decide on the treatment protocol. Did you know that adult mosquitoes make up part of the diet of some insect-eating animals, such as birds, bats, adult dragonflies and spiders.

So first off walk around the house see if there is anything holding water – pour it out.

Check old tires, they are notorious for holding water.

Check drip or flood irrigation. I know we live in AZ but some areas are constantly wet, so check low lying areas.

Think about tree notches.

How about water meter boxes?

Don’t just look down, check gutters as well.

mosquito habitat

mosquito habitat

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