The Scout Motto “Be Prepared”
As we go through life we all strive to set our sights on what is ahead! I was reminded of all this because of that new TV show – “”Doomsday Preppers” but the Boy Scout movement has known this for a long time. The time to know about a chemical spill is before it happens, that is why we always promote and encourage our technicians to know that Label and MSDS backwards and forward, page for page!
We all understand the importance of “Be Prepared”, we all have auto insurance or liability insurance – which helps us when something unforeseen happens. So having a plan before a catastrophe happens is prudent and advisable.
ProBest Pest Management offers refrigerator magnets with the Emergency Numbers, all children should be instructed in the use of emergencies etc and these magnets make it easy to have them available in a convenient place. Drop by our office in Gilbert for your magnet.