Screw me, have you ever had a day when all goes against you? Even the rats are out to get me. It was a sign – have you ever had a rat bring you a present in the rodent station? OK I’m just kidding, I don’t think they are that smart or maybe they are? I’ve had rats that are trap shy so you have to be clever with them.

Ways to keep the rats out.

1. Check your home frequently for holes, rub marks (rats have oily fur).

2. Pick up fruit daily, see f you notice teeth marks.

3. Check areas of pool pumps and ac units for rat poop.

4. Pay attention to noises coming from attic or roof.

5. If your neighbors mention rodents, take care. They will not go away on their own, they require food and water and will stay in an area.

As always if you are unsure you call ProBest 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

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