All posts in “rodents”

Entry Points Rodents

Entry Points Rodents

Entry Points Rodents

Often times we make it easy for entry points rodents access into our homes. Rodents will seek out any opportunity to get into the warmth and rain-free of your home. Why shouldn’t they, they are looking for the same things we are in life.

What should you look for?

  1. Any holes, once a month check your home. Things settle and change.
  2. Feces around pool pumps or a/c.
  3. Nesting.
  4. Bad construction, areas of access for birds and rodents.
  5. Check sheds for opening and space beneath, I see lots of honeybee activity in those places.
  6. Holes in the ground, indicating something present.
  7. Check high and low, don’t let trees touch the home.
  8. No vines or wood in the ground and then on the home.

If you are unsure on activity, call our office to discuss a professional inspection 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

RV’s and Rodents

RV’s and Rodents


So a few years ago I decided to purchase a camper just to test the waters on this whole camping (Glamping) thing. I bought an older version Winnebago and I allowed my employees access if I wasn’t using it. Well I upgraded to a newer version this year a Thor Outlaw and was having some work done by

RedWrench Mobile RV Service – 231-632-4150 Pete Schmitz


So of course he knows I’m the bug guy so he tells me about an RV he purchased. He said a few years back and was out on a RV site for about 4 months, when he encountered the rat from hell. See the rotation pics. It doesn’t matter on location because rodents are always looking for a new place to call home. Just look at the damage, thankfully it hadn’t got entirely to the electrical system.

So once again I’ll pass along a few tidbits of useful info from Dr. Bug:

If you live in a permanent home, it cost a lot less to prevent than correct the issue. One electrical or plumbing call-out is easily $500. Remember mice and rats urinate and spread feces everywhere, and if that is your attic or livable space you could be breathing it in. If you’re living in an RV the space is more restricted.


Call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

If you have a chance to meet up with Pete, he will treat you right and tell him you heard about him from this blog.




Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Winter Weather


Winter weather generally means all of us are cold and that means critters as well. So as we are trying to maintain our houses, pests are trying to get in. Any hole or opportunity will allow them inside. I would recommend the use of IPM, the art of using everything at your fingertips and then getting to pesticide if you have to.

  • Do a monthly or at least quarterly check of your property.
  • Seal any cracks or holes on the home, use caulking or steel wool if rodents are involved. Remember mice need a hole the size of a dime. Rats require something in the area of a quarter to gain entry. Seal it with steel or copper wool and calking or cement.
  • Remove, replace any wood rot and seal it if possible.
  • Keep trash receptacles closed and clean and away from house.
  • Keep bushes, trees and vines away from the house.
  • Keep wood trim painted or sealed to keep away pests.
  • Keep water usage to a minimum, make sure you’re not collecting water in certain areas.
  • If you have a crawlspace keep it clean and dry, always good to keep it ventilated as well.
  • Once a year have a termite inspection done, they can also perform a pest inspection.
  • When in doubt, or maybe you don’t understand the pest – time to hire a Professional call 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

The picture is of bait in a rodent station and as you can see activity is taking place. The bricks show that something is gnawing at it, the next visit may or may not show more evidence but rodents should on the down swing.




Trash isn’t always an issue, but it can create some favorite problems and headaches in the way of pests. Its not just rodents, but critters, birds and insect pests as well. This alleyway situation might not be concern, but it will add up influence the neighborhood. If I was an owner of a home, I would try to rally the neighborhood troop to a clean-up day monthly. This benefits the entire community, oh and it might make you the hero.

What do you look for as you clean?

  1. Obviously, the trash, is it being eaten by an animal?
  2. Do the lids close properly?
  3. Are they relatively clean, inside and out?
  4. Do the can have holes?
  5. Do transients make their home in alley?
  6. Take care on needles and other hazards, report issues to Police.

What do you do if you spot activity of the rodent kind?






Rodenticide – EPA files notice – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering several changes to its regulation of rodenticides
that will jeopardize access to this critical rodent control tool.

To make ALL bulk rodenticides RESTRICTED USE PRODUCTS (RUP)

ProBest Pest Management decided years ago to not use anti-coagulates. (The poison interferes with the blood’s ability to clot.) This may cause damage to secondary predators such as owls, eagles, hawks, cats etc. We use either Terad3 (calcium mobilizer) or RatX (sodium chloride -salt. Rats and mice cant throw up or vomit, while the predators can and will. We also offer ContraPest ( birth control).

See the attached picture on our offer, a little more expensive but better for secondary animals.

I personally have seen some bad things, bait packs throw into garages. I’ve seen certain open boxes of bait in front yards available to kids etc. Safety is the paramount concern when handling rodenticides or pesticides. How many people read the label before using a product? I would venture to say, not many. Or they might skim and do what they think is correct or right. Are you using the product consistent to the label and labeling? Have you thought about who might come in contact with the product or the remaining dead animal? Just my thoughts on rodenticides.

Use a Professional, we have the tools, the knowledge and experience to handle all kinds of situations. We are also licensed and undergo training and retraining annually.

Flapper dryer vent

Flapper dryer vent

Flapper dryer vent

Flapper dryer vent cleanout – ProBest gets calls quite frequently on birds building nests inside the dryer vent covers on the outside of the home. When that little flapper gets bogged down with lint, it stays open. When in the open position it allows birds or other critters access into the vent opening. The flapper works off the principle of air flow, when the dryer is on, it pushes the flapper open and when the dryer shuts down the flap is supposed to close.

Did you know that over 15,000 fires occur due to build up of lint in that hose? Some homes never have it cleaned, and it’s a wonder more fires are started. The other issue is pests, birds and rodents in general. Normally this would be cleared out on the first dryer use, but if you don’t use the dryer often the rodent could chew its way out of that hose. The biggest threat is when the rodent becomes trapped inside the structure, and it panics. Birds can build nest and block the flow of air, causing heat build up and possibly a fire.

Call ProBest today to have the dryer vent checked, and cleaned 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Mice Garage Doors

Mice Garage Doors

Mice Garage Doors


Are your garage doors sealed against mice? Are the corners secure, we sell a device – Rodent Guard which firms up the corner trim. The device is metal and fits to the ground on the door trim of the garage.

In the picture, this garage door needs a new bottom seal and depending on the fit could use rodent guards. We also sell StormShield for the bottom seal of garage floor and garage door. It keeps out the rain, bugs and maybe even rodents. Home upkeep is essential when owning a home.

I also recommend a monthly check of your home inside and outside and don’t forget to look up. That is why my techs use a webber broom to clean door and window webs. Make them look up, instead of down where the bugs come from. Read my ten tips on home-sealing or call us for an inspection 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

We spend a great amount of time outside dealing with pests, since that is generally where they originate from. Some bugs like German Roaches make their way in in boxes while ants will access any crack. So keep your eyes open for any creepy crawlies and keep our number handy.

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage BlockDrainage Block

What do we do?

We will cover with hardware cloth 2 areas from the inside, securing it in place with hammer gun device – this limits the pest from coming in. This exclusion stops snakes, rodents and other small types of critters. Now remember snakes and rodents do climb but this should limit anything from coming in via ground level. Notice: occasionally you will need to clean this area – if a lot of water passes through – it will pick up leaves, twigs etc.

SPECIAL: 2 area cover exclusion,  now only $95 limited time…………….. Special note – if you get three (3) neighbors to do it on the same day – ProBest will do all 3 at the price of $65 each address.








Gilbert Emergench Rat Service

Gilbert Emergency Rat Service

Gilbert Emergency Rat Service

Gilbert Emergency Rat Service – Of all the emergencies I can think of a rat in the house tops my list. A cornered rat is highly likely to panic and possibly do something weird. I have encountered animals under a crawlspace, gave me a fright. Probably as well for them. I’ve run across snake skins, thank God the snakes were gone. Cats and tons of parasites like fleas and ticks. Some animals when they are dying will hole up in crawlspaces etc and that is never fun.

People will say that its fine they are living on my land and I’m not going to do anything to hurt them. They do extensive damage to wiring for a/c lines, pool pumps, irrigation and car wires. Anyone of these will probably cost several hundreds of dollars to repair.

ProBest has also gone with Rodent Birth Control to help eliminate or reduce the population of rodents in your landscape or HOA. The info I always use is 2/3 of Europe were killed by fleas on rodents. So rodents need to be managed. Rodents carry many diseases, so be extremely careful. Call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Bugs are a realty of life. But when they show up at your home, they can make life for you and your family uncomfortable, even potentially hazardous.So, keeping your home protected from unwelcome little visitors is essential.


Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Rodent Control


Rant Alert – Rodent Control – Rant Alert. If you have rodents, seen rodents or seen evidence from rodents, they will not go away on their on. If someone gets rid of some, others will move in, trust me on this. I have customers that use our bait stations for a few months and then say we are good. NOT THE WAY IT WORKS. A community will have an average amount of rodents, killing a few might slow the program but they will reproduce again and the same issues will reappear.

  • If you see one, there are more.
  • If there is one inside – don’t panic – call a ProFessional.
  • I don’t use bait inside, use traps then you know when you have caught one.
  • Bait is great outside, check the picture. You know you have issues because the bait is rounded off.
  • You can also gage the pressure if there is activity on all 4 bait.
  • If there is activity don’t exclude them inside. A trapped rodent could turn nasty and vicious. Once exterminated, then exclude.
  • If you snap traps, place away from pets.

Search the blog for related articles on rodents, rats etc. Call us for detail on our Rodent Control Specials. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

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