All posts in “bugs”

Seal it up

Seal it up, your house that is.

Do you know what the biggest thing you can do to stop pests from getting into your house – seal it up. We have a lot of pests in Arizona that can get into our homes, from scorpions to rodents. So it is absolutely essential to seal up your home or business. Now I don’t suggest you do it now, it’s to hot but is can be a great winter project or better yet call ProBest Pest Management at 480-831-9328.

We have tried several caulks to see what works best, the more silicone the better. The only issue you will use all your muscles to squeeze it out, so pick a section of house and take your time. Also use a hose to maneuver the caulk where you want it. Scorpions are the biggest headache we have in Arizona. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has some suggestions and useful information at their site, check them out.

seal it up


Doors and bugs

Doors and bugs

Doors and how bug get in? Have you ever noticed the abundance of flying bugs near your front porch door, it’s the light? Its not just the flying insects but spiders love to hang out near the abundant food source. So if you switch to a yellow light the bugs will reduce in numbers. This is actually a IPM or Integrated Pest Management solution to reducing pesticide in and around your home. You will notice I said reducing the amount of pesticide because you may still have to use it judicially on key areas of pest concern.



Funky Caterpillar

Funky Caterpillar artwork

Funky Caterpillar and metal artwork is the new normal for outside decorations, I love some of the new stuff including this Caterpillar. Nice planter and decorative at the same time. Adds a little color to the home and you don’t have to have any real bugs. You know you can always call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 if you see any critters within your home?

I don’t mind these decorations but no sense in living with the bugs. I have seen decorative rock, wire ants and even birds and flowers. What kind of artwork is at your home?

Funky Caterpillar

It’s all about the you being the Handyman of your HOME

Are you the Handyman? How do the bugs get in?

Who is the handyman? Your home is your castle. The premise of todays pest control or management is to prevent the bugs from getting in. IPM is the Gold Standard of that service and we have talked about it a lot. Seal them out, no its not going to keep everything out but it will help. Exclude those holes, seal the jtrim, check the screens, repair the windows and employ a reputable consistent Pest Company like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

Homes and businesses require constant upkeep, doors needs flashing, garage doors have trim that may need repair. That roof might need checking from time to time. The pool may need a check by a pool service, you don’t need mosquitoes biting your toes. Termites can be sneaky, so get an inspection at least every few years depending on your



DE or Diatomaceous earth

DE or Diatomaceous earth

DE overkill or not? OK you know how I am about Do It Yourself, right? Well this is a great example of over application. It looks like it snowed in Phoenix, Arizona. The weird thing about this, I’ve seen worse inside a bedroom. The bad thing is you can damage your nose and lungs breathing this stuff. It works really well on bugs/pests by dehydrating their exoskeleton and they bleed to death or absorb chemical faster.

First off only the food grade product works on bugs, not the pool stuff – it is cut differently. The fine powder absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects’ exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate. Insects die as a result of the water pressure deficiency, and  considered to be relatively low-risk.


Pest Pro

Why you need a Pest Pro?

Pest Pro = Quality Expert, Right? Someone that understands bugs and can deal with them. Some who is QualityPro “The mark of excellence in pest management”.

Did you know that there is a license here in Arizona for those of us that do pest control? They enforce certain laws and rules in pest control. They require certain amounts of insurance and require certain item be in every pest vehicle. For example we hold a license in pest, termite and weeds.

So in a nutshell, hire a Pest Professional. We’ll get the job done right!

Pest Pro

Cupcake ants

Cupcake ants

Ohhhhh nnoooooo Cupcake Ants! OK so these are edible cupcake ants, but have you ever made something and found ants on it. You may notice them on or near the kitchen sink or maybe even the bathroom. Some ants are attracted to sugar or protein, I’ve seen them on bars of soap (don’t get me started on Tide Pods) and they will eat just about anything. I wonder why they don’t blow small little bubbles?

No one likes bugs in the house?

So it’s no surprise that we get calls all the time on ants, usually indoor Pharaoh ants or as we use to all them Sugar or Piss ants. The ideal method of control is to bait them with either sugar or protein. Then wait for them to carry it home to the Queen. When she dies they all die. Many folks just grab a can of XYZ and spray away, this only kills the ants present and does little to no good on terminating the root of all evil – The Queen. Until she is dead, she will continue to lay eggs and march on.

Cupcake ants


No fleas in Arizona – usually…

Usually I would suspect it is a lack of humidity that makes it less likely to have fleas in Arizona. Occasionally we have someone come in from another state and we have a case but not to often. We do have ticks and they can be a real problem with our pets. So what can you do to prevent them?

  1. Mow your grass.
  2. Be careful going to dog parks.
  3. If you and your dog walks, check them on the return.
  4. If your hiking, wear long pants and tuck them in.
  5. Put on some Deet oh and sunscreen or a hat.
  6. Be safe out there.




Stung by a bee or ant?

Stung lately? Bee or ant stings are quite painful and I’ll tell you they can hurt. Bee stings can continue to pump venom into the area so it’s very important to remove the stinger quickly. Also important is not to squeeze the venom sac, this could put more venom into your skin.

I recently ran into a product called Stop Ease, it greatly helps to alleviate the pain. Here is some info from the Mayo Clinic on stings. As always check your property monthly, when hiking make sure you are familiar with exit routes. As always BEE careful.


Blister Beetles

Blister Beetles

Blister beetles and other assorted nasty bugs. They come in varied colors including black and multiple colors. Many people do not realize how dangerous they can be? People have been known to swat one away and they propel that liquid and it burns. Nasty stuff so please stay away. They get their name from their defensive secretion of a blistering agent, cantharidin. Sometimes they will point their butt up toward the aggressor and then spray. Sometimes animals eat them by mistake and the insect then burns their mouth. Again, nasty….

In the bug world the brighter the color the more dangerous they are. Its a warning to predators not to mess or eat me. So please use extreme caution when spotting a character like this. There are a lot of dangerous bugs in Arizona, so take care out there. Scorpions, Africanized Honeybees, Black Widow spiders and a few reptiles like snakes and Gila Monsters. All venomous all dangerous.

Blister Beetles

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