All posts in “IPM”

A great explanation of IPM, what is IPM?

“An ecological approach to pest management that effectively manages pests in a way that minimizes adverse effects on people and the environment. IPM (integrated pest management) emphasizes an understanding of pest biology and behavior, and employs a number of different strategies designed to reduce the things pests need to survive and reproduce, including food, water, living space, and a way into the building.”

Purdue University’s IPM Technical Resource Center


This could have really been a real disaster!

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BBQ grill not in use and overlooked for many months. As soon as the technician noticed this he brought it to the attention of the homeowner. Can you imagine what would have happened if the homeowner had just removed the cover?

They were Africanized and immediately became agitated and attacked, luckily technician was in his bee suit. Almost every inch of the grill was being utilized by this group of bees. WOW!

Have you ever black lighted for Scorpions?



Light up those Scorpions!


What are some ways to stop those scorpions from getting into your home?

Home – Seal = IPM

Hunt for them at night, reduces population.

Reduce food and harborage areas.

Don’t store things against your home, keep a space which you can get to.

Always check firewood before you bring it into the home.

Use a Pest Management Professional – we know where they live and all their tricks.

QualityPro & Crimshield – A Step Above the Competition




In 2005 ProBest earned this coveted mark of excellence, only a year after National Pest Management Association started the program. Current ownership happened in 2005 and we saw the upgrade to almost every part of our strategy to stay above the rest.

We also saw the need to become part of Crimshield in 2008, we background our employee’s each and every year just to be sure there are no surprises.


BedBugs continue their plight – invading Police Dispatching center


BedBugs force Portsmouth dispatchers to relocate” Bedbugs don’t care who you are, they don’t care if you are rich or poor. They don’t care if your a Firefighter or Policeman, so the key is that you are aware of their tenacious abilities at getting into your life.

One of the best things that I recommend are mattress and box spring encasements – such as CleanBrands



What I really like about these encasements is that they save your mattresses from the usual things:

  1. Accidental leakage – pets or toddlers
  2. Dustmites
  3. BedBugs
  4. Mitigates allergens



Bee attack in Tucson

A landscaper lost his life when he was attacked by a honeybee’s. “Swarm of thousands of bees kills man, injures another”  Just for the record let me adjust that heading – it wasn’t a swarm of honeybees – it was a colony or hive within the home that was agitated and attacked. Technically the dictionary classifies a swarm as “a large number of animate or inanimate things massed together and usually in motion”. Typcially I consider a swarm a result of the hive dividing and moving on, but hey its just words.

The main portion of this story and the tragic part is the death and injury of the people. I think is is really important to check your property monthly to determine the possibility of infestation of rodents, bees and or termites.

How to conduct that examination of your home?

  1. Check for open holes, either where pipes enter or weep holes which help with your home ventilation. This home-sealing might help with keeping the a/c or heat inside.
  2. Check high and low, for bees or rodents evidence. This could be rub marks, branches or leaves or more obvious things coming and going.
  3. Trees and bushes shouldn’t touch the home, this provides highways for ants and rodents.
  4. Doors should have doorsweeps or thresholds in place.
  5. Home-seals are an excellent way to keep things out.


Tragic story – Brown Recluse blamed

Billings, Montana


10 year old dies after being bitten by (Brown Recluse Spider), originally thought to be cancer and sent home from emergency room. “10 year-old dies after spider bite


Now based on only these facts I have a few questions.

  1. Was there any indication of spiders at his home or area? Brown Recluse spiders are known to inhabit areas of the Mid-West of USA.
  2. Spider bite in general or was it really a Brown Recluse?
  3. Bugs do travel and can be transported via storage boxes etc, have there been any reports of Brown Recluse in Billings?

My sympathies go out to the family and friends and I hope we get to the bottom of this story.


Bed Bugs spreading across the US

bedbug spreading

bedbug spreading








Bedbugs are spreading rapidly and continue their march across the US. I  don’t always get creeped out with pests but BedBugs do it for me. I think about accidental infestation, maybe a lone bedbug falls into a pocket or shoe and I bring it home.

Take care traveling, check out the room and if you think you see something contact management. Don’t bring in used furniture without looking it over really well. Check out our webpage and the Nation Pest Management Association has a site “All Things Bed Bugs”

Other NPMA Bed Bug Info & Facts:

  • Bed bugs can lay one to five eggs in a day and more than 500 in a lifetime.
  • Bed bugs can survive for several months without eating.
  • Bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bed bug draw blood for about five minutes before retreating to digest.
  • Bed bugs hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.
  • Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid.
  • Bed bugs are found in all 50 U.S. states.


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