All posts in “pests”

Recessed lights

Recessed lights, vents or any device in your ceiling allows an entry into your home for pests. As you check your light, vents etc look for space between the ceiling and the device. Those holes they make in the drywall are often larger that the device fitting through.

Use a caulking material and make that gap go away. This also helps in keeping the cold air in and the warm air in depending on the time of year. Those Recessed lights etc are a quick way in for numerous pests, so fix them and this also will save you money and who doesn’t like that. Remember that scorpions only need the thickness of a credit card to sneak in. Owning a house takes effort but together with a reputable honest Pest Company such as ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 it will be a breeze.

Advertising idea

Advertising ideas where do I start, what works what doesn’t. OK I have no idea, I do know which works the best for me right now – referrals. That being said what media form is the best, is it newspapers, magazine, billboards – I’ve tried most.

FaceBook seems to garner most of the activity for me right now, but in a month it might all change. Demographics change as well, a study by BASF suggest that women generally purchase pest control.

So on the advertising idea thoughts, any idea I try reevaluate and move on. So if you have any ideas what might work, send me an email. Never hurts to ask for advice, right?


Roaches along with Bed bugs are the nattiest of bugs, except for flies in my book. Flies fly and then vomit on your food, they can be in your back yard and fly in and land right on that beautiful steak. Yuuuuck. But anyway back to roaches, everyone thinks they have the silver bullet. In my professional opinion it is a combination of protocols and knowledge is what it takes to combat these invaders. Any house, yes I said any house can get them, clean to dirty it doesn’t matter. They like to hang in box lids, touching top and bottom of their bodies and make their way into your home.

So some advice.

  1. Check boxes before putting them in cupboards.
  2. If it is pasta or rice, freeze box then place in sealable containers.
  3. Even dog/cat food can have pests, check it out.
  4. At the first sign of cockroaches/roaches call a Professional. 480-831-9328
  5. Roaches hide so once inside, they will go the far away hidden areas. Don’t install those motels in the bottom cabinets, that isn’t where they are going to be.

Thanks to Michael Brinkman for permission to use the picture.

Cat versus Dragon

Cat versus Dragon, every once in awhile you have that moment to take a picture that just has to be taken. This cat and probably very nervous Bearded Dragon, were just hanging out. The owner said they do it daily and have been doing it for a long time – unlikely friends, right?

What does this have to do with pest control? Many people ask if we can kill or get rid of lizards. We can’t and don’t, lizards eat bugs and are a natural way to get rid of pests, especially crickets. Just like bats they eat a lot of bugs on a weekly basis. I’ve also seen cats play with scorpions, never reacting to stings if stung. But still no reason to have bugs in your house.


Ticks can be a real problem with your pets, birds may fly into your backyards or even visit your local park. Without your knowledge your pet picks them up and return to your nice sweet home. Now you have ticks.

Ticks are one of the only bugs that we use our power sprayer in the backyards. Because they tend to climb to the tops of grasses and weeds and wait for their prey. You have to be vigilant because they will come inside and set up home. I’ve seen them in a sofa and that took awhile to figure it out.

Bed buggy

Bed buggy or creeped out by bugs. I’m even squeamish with all this bed bedbugs stuff since I was helping with a treatment and I had one in my shoe. The picture is a mattress with several active bedbugs just waiting for suppertime.

At the first sign, bites or blood spotting – investigate. Don’t put it off – investigate. Don’t let it get to this stage. Bed buggy or not, investigate.

Call a PRO – like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328. Do a monthly inspection of your home of business. It is important to notice everything associated with the inside and outside. Many bugs like honeybees can take a foothold in a short period of time. So bee careful and call us, even if its just a question or ID. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Mosquito Season

Mosquito Season

What’s the best time to KILL mosquitoes, when they’re in the water phase? Any other time you are swatting them and they’re out for blood. Mosquitoes can be tricky, some are known to be in your area and others may fly in from over a mile away. I have seen mosquitoes in tires and in beer bottles with only 1/2 inch of water present. We all know what an absolute nuisance they can be.

There are some innovative products available including this one from and I also recommend Flyweb for inside the house.

Monsoon rain & dust

Monsoon rain & dust will start soon and we all know what that will bring? Termites and more bugs including more mosquitoes and flies. It’s time to store your outdoor equipment before the winds grab it. Check your windows for gaps and repair, keeps the Monsoon rain & dust out. What should you do, now to avoid the mess. Remember the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared”.

  1. Check your yard for containers that may hold water.
  2. Fill in potholes that may hold water.
  3. Double check drip irrigation and flood irrigation for issues.
  4. Clean gutters.
  5. Repair screens, make sure they are in place.
  6. Check door sweeps and gaskets.
  7. Remember stagnant water is the enemy, flowing water good.
  8. Best time to treat for mosquitoes is when they are in the water.
Mosquito Season

Water grates

It’s the time of year, Monsoon is on its way and water in any crack or crevice imaginable. Guess what, the mosquito Mom’s will lay eggs anywhere there is water? Water grates, catch basins or cisterns will hold water longer since they are deeper.

When is the best time to attack those littler biters, IN THE WATER, of course? Captive audience, when they’re flying it’s to late.

So what do you do?

  1. No freestanding water on you’re property, if it’s stagnant it can cause issue.
  2. If you are in charge of a HOA, check water grates and storm drains. Things can be done to prevent mosquitoes from using those.
  3. I’ve seen them in beer bottles along a roadside, so get rid of trash and no tires.
  4. Mosquitoes cause disease from Malaria to Equine encephalitis.
  5. Repair or replace window screens.
  6. Keep doors shut and repair door sweeps and door seals.
  7. Even gutters can hold a small amount of water, I know what’s a gutter in AZ. But I have seen some, so make sure they are free and clear.
Floor Drains

Floor Drains


The most common complaint in bathrooms spare rooms with drains etc. That floor drain MUST have water in it or you get stinky smells and if there is no water then bugs come in.

The most common cause of sewer gas odor is when the water evaporates out of an unused or seldom used sink p-trap or floor drain, allowing sewer gas to escape.

Sewer Gas SolutionsTM eliminates sewer gas infiltration into buildings by creating a non-toxic, long-lasting layer which prevents water in plumbing traps from evaporating.

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