All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

We never talk about the “Good Bugs, why is that?


Most people don’t really care for bugs, but there are some good ones. What are they: Praying Mantis, Butterflies, Lady Bugs well you get the drift. On that note did you know there is a Butterfly Wonderland right here in Scottsdale just off the Hwy 101 in the east valley.


They also have exhibits on “Live Ant Colony and Honey Bee Extravaganza. Check them out and let’s be nice to the unsung hero’s of our gardens and flowers. Here is an interesting article “Learn to recognize the “good guys“.

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Photo by PPMA

Boys will eat anything, even bugs!


One of the employee’s here at ProBest Pest Management (Andon) was called to be a Scoutmaster at his ward. First off let me say I’m extremely proud of Andon and his commitment to Scouting. Andon never made it to Eagle Scout – he got to Life but he has three boys so I’m crossing my fingers. Scout Troop 835 Gladiators

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So they decided to watch Bear Gryll’s and try eating some crickets and larvets (meal-worms). They come in some tasty little treats and flavors like Bacon & Cheddar, Salt & Vinegar, Sour Cream & Onion and Mexican Spice & BBQ. We do sell them at our office or you can check them out at

This is something you often don’t heard about, snails?

Woman gets help moving out of apartment crawling with snails.” Ok to be honest the pictures aren’t that helpful but I’m  pretty sure they aren’t snails. Snails as far as I know have little shells on them. I would think more of a some type of  mold or plaster beetle larva or maybe slugs of some kind.

Ok so as always we go back to the basic premise of pest control, identification is the first step. This helps to decide the course of action leading to sanitation, physical removal and application of control measures.

My first recommendation is you have to stop the water or moisture from getting in, then I would suggest home-sealing to keep the bugs from getting in.


What is the most dangerous critter in Arizona?



I think most people would immediately say Black Widow spider or rattlesnake, but the answer in my book would be – Bees. I think without a doubt rattlesnakes, spiders and scorpions rank right up there but bee stings probably account for more deaths.

So what are you to do when you encounter them?

  1. Bee aware of your surroundings, if you notice bees bumping into you it is a warning that you are to close to them.
  2. Bees around water, they are there to drink leave them alone and they will leave you alone.
  3. Don’t tackle a Honeybee issue by yourself, if they are Africanized they will attack in great numbers and you, your neighborhood, animals and children may be stung. One of my favorite sayings is – “Once you have made them mad, it is impossible to put them back to nice!”  Its like putting the Genie back into the bottle. But these things sting and may continue for hours.
  4. Leave them alone, they will probably move on


It’s not always about the Bed Bugs, how about visiting Arizona? Caves

I enjoy getting out and exploring, so please plan a visit to Arizona and see the beauty that is beneath your feet. All of these caves are unique in their own ways, dry, wet and breathtaking beauty but remember “Don’t Touch”, many of these formations take centuries to form.

Colossal Caves – outside of Tucson, my favorite cave in Arizona. I probably have been here at least 4 times. 16721 E. Old Spanish Trail Vail, AZ 85641 – 520.647.PARK (7275)  I really love this cave, the tour takes about 45 minutes and the temperature is always about 70 degrees which is wonderful in the summer. You can actually witness bats and hear them making their little noise and cave formations like stalactites, flowstone, boxwork and helictites.


Kartchner Caverns State Park  Kartchner Caverns SP Benson, AZ 85602 (520) 586-2283 This park has a recent history having been found in 1974 but kept as a secret until 1978/1984 and is considered a living cave.


Grand Canyon Caves  – Mile 115 Route 66 63 Miles NE of Kingman AZ and 65 Miles West of Williams and the Grand Canyon Railroad


Photo from their site

This cave is unique in that they have a Sloth bear (Jesse), offer night stays and the only draw back is that it is way out there. But it still deserves a visit, its on my list of things to see in Arizona.



April is National Pest Management Month

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  • April is National Pest Management Month, an observance that has been taking place for more than 30 years!
  • Research shows spring and summer are when pest problems are of most concern to homeowners. Call us today for an inspection! 602-249-7378
  • Have you ever encountered #pests in the home?
  • Tip of the day: Pest-proof the home during your spring-cleaning routine.

Pest can cause serious issues for children and older folks, from asthma to dietary problems and possibly death. Keeping the pests out is the key to pest control, home sealing is a tool to help enforce no pests. Its all about the techniques that can be used to keep the bugs out and we have that knowledge and use it everyday – call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378

Folk art – complaints

I’ve seen these before but never had one for the office.


Go ahead Push for Complaint! Go ahead I dare ya… Thanks to Janet H. for the device.

Is it worth the money to have a Termite Inspection done to purchase a home?


I’m always amazed when people are willing to spend $100,000s of their hard earned cash and not ask for opinions on the important stuff. I would always (by the way I have always had a Home Inspection and Termite Inspection) when I purchased a home. One in Florida and one in Arizona, I wouldn’t skip this important second set of eyes for nothing! Even though I have years of experience I still have some company give me their professional opinion.  We charge $57 cash day of inspection and $67 to go to escrow and honestly its not like its going to break the bank. But if there is an issue later I want someone that can answer some questions or give me insight into the problem. I have seen some realtors suggest that people not get inspections – are they going to answer those termite questions, and what happens if there are termites hidden?

If you look at a U.S. map, we have Heavy termite activity from Florida to Texas and North to South Carolina and Moderate to heavy from Texas throughout Arizona North to Nevada. Read what the National Pest Management Association has to say about termite inspections and what the says Arizona Department of Agriculture Office of Pest Management  (Consumer Resources and Termites). So please think about the money as an investment in your home.


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