All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

It’s not always about the scorpions or tarantulas, how about visiting Arizona? Heard Museum


The Heard Museum is one of the finest Native American museums in this Country. One of the first things that I did when I arrived way back in 2000 was to attend the World Championship Hoop Dance Contest in February held each year. The first year I attended they had a youngster and a guy that was just a little bit older at I think 80 at the time, so it is fun for young and old.

In 2014 they are hosting the 56th annual Indian Fair & Market more than 600 of the nation’s finest American Indian artists.

They also have Sen. Barry Goldwater’s collection of Hopi Katsina dolls and Fred Harvey (Grand Canyon fame) collections. They also have changing exhibits, so please check them even if you have been there before.


A little Puzzler of bug terms

Blood feeder – recent issue – 6 letters?


What killed 2/3’s ? population in Europe in or near 1350? 4 letters


Cockroach skins or feces can cause this – 6 letters?


Major roach pest in U.S. 6 letters?


Soaks up pesticides in restaurants, making it difficult to control pest – 3 letters?


Very small eight legged parasite – 4 letters?



answers-etim, lio,namreg,amhtsa,aelf,gubdeb – Good Luck

Feral Cats


I try not to do this service and for good reason, it hardly ever ends well for anyone. Somebody always takes extreme exception to my performance of the issue. So here is the recommended service protocol – trap the animal, take it to a shelter have it spayed and/or neutered  and then return it to the original location.This procedure cost lots of money in labor and the service for the shelter isn’t free, see the services listed below.

Thev reason to spay/neuter and release the animals back to the original location, prevents another cat family talking over the area. Here is an original story on feral cats by ProBest from 2009.


My hats off to PetSmart Charities for there continued work with pets and for this infographic, click the link to give them a hand in this work. The problem isn’t the cats and dogs, its us as a society – don’t abandon pets and have yours spay/neutered, or maybe even a donation to PetSmart.

Urban Myth – maybe so on Praying Mantis



You thought having bugs was a real pain, the mating process is a lot tougher on those bugs  involved. The Black Widow, well we know how she got her name and the Praying Mantis often get their heads chopped off my one or the other in that mating ritual. So now we have the ultimate answer, or maybe not. “Do Female Praying Mantis always eat the males?”,  Published in Entomology Today and video from the Smithsonian Channel.

So what is that bug – free service from ProBest Pest Management?


Have you ever found a bug in your home or business and wondered what is it? You probably panicked and thought oh no not ———-?  Well not to worry, send me a picture. I’m sure that we can figure out what it is. There are millions of bugs out there, but if I don’t know what it is, I can find somebody that does. The key to this, is that you have to take a clear picture. If you don’t have access to a good camera or phone camera, just send it by mail (make sure not to squish it). I have access to a microscope which attaches to my computer and can really zoom in and provide some great close shots.


Please send it to [email protected] or 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233


Please be sure to give me you name, address, phone and address so I can make sure to inform you of the bugs identity.

Does your Pest Company have a Bat phone?


I always loved the idea of having a Bat phone or a Red phone Hotline – my version of the Bat Signal maybe – that looked like it could call that one person you really might need or they might need you ASAP. By the way you know how difficult it was to find a red phone and it has a rotary dial not push buttons? Cool right?


OK its really for show, but hey it could connect me to the one person I might really need in an emergency -pondering who that could be. Here is that list:

  1. National Pest Management Association (NPMA) Jim Fredericks (he is the staff Entomologist).
  2. Dr. Paul Baker – my colleague from University of Arizona, Tucson.
  3. My Pest Industry friend Fred – he knows just about as much as I do about bugs… just about I said.

or maybe they would call me     

   4. The President of the United States (I’m going to behave myself) when that giant spider or giant bed bugs gets loose and ravishes the Country.

   5. What if the Sheriff of Maricopa or Pinal County called for my help? Hey I’m just saying!

  Who would be on your list?

It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona? Cameron Trading Post

Cameron Trading Post

Cameron Trading Post


Part of my tour for my family and friends includes a visit to the Grand Canyon and the path to the South Rim goes right by this unique little place. The Historic Cameron Trading Post – For nearly a century the Cameron Trading Post has been a Grand Canyon lodging haven for travelers, traders, vacationers and explorers who come from all points of the globe.  The Cameron Trading Post is more than an Indian lodge or Grand Canyon hotel. Established in 1916, the Cameron Indian Trading Post has become a showplace for fine Native American art and Southwest art. Now I will admit if you plan your trip just right – lunch is the thing to do. **** Caution – look around before order – the Indian taco (that is what they call it) is huge. Maybe you can share one but it is worth it – TRUST ME ON THIS!

Another tip from an experienced tourist – set by the window in the back, because you never know what you might see. Birds, lizards and maybe more.

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