So who watches the watchers?
So I think a few might remember all the hoopla about charities and how much they really donate to the actual charity and how much they spend to get the money. I found this website and they ran a recent article Pest Management, HSUS-Style (A.K.A. Don’t Hurt the Widdle Roachy-Woachy)
I grew up in Ohio and hunting is an acceptable form of recreation and I also attended the Ohio Safe Hunting programs. One of the things I learned early in my hunting life was this – a gallon container only holds so much, much like an acre of land can only support so many animals. So lets say that that one acre can support 5 rabbits, 2 deer, 4 muskrats – well you get the idea. So what happens when the deer overpopulate the land, maybe they get some disease and die a horrible death or die because there isn’t enough food. That is what conservation is about, you allow hunters to cull the deer. Better to be shot than die from starving to death. Hunters and Trappers often supply the money for needed projects via their hunting and trapping fees for conservation.
Every once in awhile a population boom of some kind happens, mice in Australia to crickets in Arizona. However you feel about it, pesticides, pest control, fishing, trapping and hunting are essential components of our life here on Earth. Remember what happened in 1350-1358 in Europe with the Black Plague and occasionally happens in areas of the U.S.
I’m a Public Health Professional aka hunter, trapper and a Pest Management Professional.